Nipple confusion?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I wanted to BF but had to go to theatre when Poppy was born, and her blood sugar was low so they had to give her formula. Since then I've desperately been trying to BF but she just suckles for a few seconds and gives up. My milk started coming in yesterday and I have been expressing. Should I just accept she's not going to take my breast?
My nipples have a tendency to be a bit flat which doesn't help :( I really wanted to do this! :(
on dexters first day he had issues latching on, so on the advice of one of the mid wives i kind of squeezed my nipple so it was more 'pointed' lol with the one hand while holding his head with the other, then as soon as he opened up wide i popped it in his mouth...he latched on perfectly and now he is perfect at getting on on his own leaving me pain free :)

i hope that make sense...and hope it helps :)
Same as Teampc, I had to squish my boob up with one hand to make it easier for Lizzie when she was little. Keep persevering if it's something you really want to do :)
I don't think Lizzie actually suckled properly until she was at least a week old, we didn't know what we were doing!
they said i had a combination of things stopping flynn from feeding properly but one mw said to use a nipple shield to help get him to establish, which has really helped! hes now doesn't need the shields but does need the little bit of nipple puckering most times, hopefully wont be long before he can do it all on his own!
hope that helps, and that she gets the hang of it soon for you!
G struggled to latch to start with and caused some damage to me, I also had flat nipples (one was almost inverted) and the support worker suggested a nipple shield to help G latch and help me heal and it really helped. I was a bit against it worried about nipple confusion but after a few days my nipples had come out further and G had worked out what latching on meant and swapped onto nipple no problems :)
If she's already had the bottle then it might be a good inbetween to get her onto bf. To start with most babies can only latch on for a little bit at a time esp when your milk has just come in and your 'let down' will be quite forceful!
Good luck, hope it works :)
I found latching on hard when milk had just come in and was pleniful lets say, as it made my nipples flat as boobs were so engorged. This will get easier when milk sorts it sel,f out. If your really full , then you could try manually expressing a tin bit off , which will ease your boob and let the nipple back to the correct shape more before tyring feeding. Def don't give up yet, if your still having trouble do ask a breastfeeding advisor, ask your HV where you can find one in your area
I totally failed at getting Lily latched on in the beginning, my nipples were too flat and when my milk came in they were like footballs with nothing for her to aim for (lovely image there!). What saved us was Medela nipple shields - thin silicone, from Boots - she latched on to them easily right from the first use. We've used them ever since, but you could also use them until your nipple gets pulled out then stop using them if you didn't want to continue with them.
Not sure how true it is but when I was in hospital I was chatting to one of the helper people (forgot what you call them but they basically help the midwives on the wards etc) about breastfeeding while I was feeding Georgie and she was saying she saw one of the ladys who had had a baby while out and about. This lady had bottle fed while in hospital but when she saw her in town the lady was now actually breastfeeding!

She said that one night at 2am baby was crying for a bottle and she was shattered, her milk had only just come in so she thought she would get baby in bed with her and try to feed her desperate for some rest - never looked back!

Like I said dunno how true it is but I was set on breastfeeding so it's not like she had to talk me into it! If it is true it's a fitting story for you I think hun. If you want to breastfeed don't give up x

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