

Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2010
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Hey all,

Just wonderin if anyone else has been sufferin from nightmares?
I only remember 1 nightmare whilst I was pregnant with my first (although much later on) and dont seem to recall any with my second. Is this normal? And anyone else havin strong cravings yet? I just cant get enough of orange juice and ice cubes, random I know!
Tasha x
I had pretty strong dreams early on and loved orange juice and ice and I had a a little boy :yay:
Aw really? A lot of people have said its a sign for a boy but dont wanna get myself all excited! Have two girls who I love to bits but would love a boy! Oh well as long as its healthy thats all that matters!
Tasha x
I've had a few and have been getting vivid nightmares too :( x
I am getting them ALOT with this pregnancy, mostly dreams about my ex which is just AWFUL!!
i wake up in sweats.. the ugly bugger... lol... :rofl:
Had a couple of bad ones about the baby, me not finding a heartbeat at 12 week scan, but i think this is just nerves playing up in my dreams x
Yea I have too! scares the life out of me, it makes me nervoous and less excited about the scan and also dreamin about people tryin to scald me. Proper random nasty things like that. With my first I dreamt she was born covered in warts! Funny now but not then, lol!
Tasha x
Not so much nightmares but weird vivid dreams. I had a dream I was a member of the A-Team the other night, G.I Jane style complete with combats and giant bump :eh:
I never dream I'm pregnant. I mean that i am not still pregnant in my dreams. Of course i am never married in my dreams either which is wierd. I've been with my husband for 10 years and i never dream about him. Is that totally wierd?
Vivid dreams, some nightmares and sexual dreams too !! Bizarre!!

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