
rainbow dancer

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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my little lucy was 10lb at birth and trying to keep her going in breast milk is a nightmare!! i really want to keep breastfeeding as realise the benefits but she doesnt seem to be getting enough. she feeds every other hour and seems to be on there forever. midwife didnt seem too happy that im topping up with formula but what else can i do!! i dont top up each feed just the ones where she hasnt been satisfied. i wonder if im best giving her a fed of bottle at night just to make sure she has enough?? if so how much would you suggest she is 10 days old now. thanks in advance xx
I'm afraid I can't really help with formula, but I can tell you that when Cahal was the same sort of age he was practically feeding all the time. I may be wrong but I think they have a big growth spurt at around that age which makes them feed, feed, feed! That said though, if you don't think she is getting enough then maybe a top-up is needed, you know your baby better than your midwife so just go with your gut instinct :)
I was told by the midwife that Lizzie should feed every three hours, and this was 'the norm'. A load of bollocks is all I can say!
Even now Lizzie has days where she feeds every hour and the best thing I can do is chill out and accept that! For ages I tried to leave her longer between feeds in the hope she'd then have a bigger feed. But if she did, she'd then puke up the extra that she didn't actually need.
I would say feed Lucy whenever she wants to feed but keep a close eye/ear on whether she's swallowing or not - Lizzie gets all she needs in 5 minutes of feeding but then will happily use me to comfort suck for ages afterwards! You might be able to take her off and give her your little finger to suck on instead of a sore nipple!

They definitely have a growth spurt at 7-11 days old like inky says, so it will probably get better...till the next growth spurt lol! So long as the midwife thinks she ok weight-wise, then seriously don't worry about her getting enough :)
Yeah Sofia had this growth spurt at the same time, feeding every hour! It would be the same if she was bottle fed, if she needs food she needs food and it doesnt matter which kind! Plus this will really help your milk supply, as she feeds more your body produces more milk so your onto a winner! X

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