night time nappies


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2010
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A bit of a weird one but seem to have tried everything.

Really don't want to have to change LOs nappy at night as it really wakes him up, and he screams! We used to but then he stayed dry but now wet again (think he's drinking fair bit of water now aswell as milk)

But despite trying different nappies he still wakes up a little bit wet on his baby grow as the wee is leaking out :( it doesnt bother him but I hate to see him waking up with wet patches. Thing is he is a tummy sleeper so I wonder if this means he's pushing against wet nappy so it leaks (patches only onhiss tum).

Anyone have any experience? what do you do to prevent leaks at night? do I just need to do a nappy change?!
Is he a wriggler? Zac has started moving loads in his sleep, and sleeping on his tummy, and his nappies leaked at the front on his tummy, so I have started using pampers active fit and no leaks so far, it's been a week x
I have some advice after Matt starting mega leaking out of his disposable at night. I usually use cloth nappies btw..

I now put a nappy wrap over the top of the disposable, it contains everything and has not wetted since outside his nappy. You can pick them up for uner a tenner pretty much and get groovy patterns! I have several for Matt anyway, my favourites are leopard print, frogs and an aboriginal themed print. I also have a fleece wrap that is lovely and soft :)
Ohh Helen where do you get the wraps? I love the look of cloth bums but I think it's a bit late for me to start making a stash? I would love a cover though x
Thanks for your replies.

We've used diff sorts of nappies incl pampers orange pack with gel bits in (no sure if proper 'night time' but are meant to be super dry I think) and active fit too. Now trying huggies ones for night time. Night before last had little leak and last night actually put 2 on him! (ohsaid not cost effective!) and no leaks. Back to one nappy tonight to see how he does.

Yep he's a wriggler but also drinking a lot of milk at night but this is seeming to be stopping (yipee!) has 7oz between 5-7.30 then dream feed, 70z between 11 and 1am then used to be 3/4/5am feed now that seems to be going (fx) so maybe with less milk at night he'll be drier?

May try pampers active fit again and also the reusable cover. RM-does that kinda hold the nappy in place do you think? does it get damp at all?

Ta x
If you are up for reusables at night I have some weenotion night Nappies bed bugs and various wraps I'm looking to sell soon x

No it doesnt get wet or damp, because the disposable would normally sit against the babygro or vest the material would wick up the wetness, this doesnt - its a brilliant solution I found x
Everything stays in place too. You could also try placing an insert ( I have used Mothercare Smart disposable inserts) they fit perfectly inside a nappy for extra absorbency x
Ah great, I may try an insert and/or outer wrap, thanks.

Not planing on switching (although if I wasnt so loazy would love to) but thanks for the tip off Rowesb

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