Night terrors or teething??


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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Hi there
a few of you may remember that i wrote a post that my lil man has his first tooth through an how ive been struggling in the night and i wasnt sure yeah i found a tooth an its defiantly sticking out now :D thats a great thing but every night im up 3 times in the night with him either talking to himself crying or just crying in his sleep on his belly.

Now last night he screamed the place down i tried giving him a bottle it only lasted him a few hours then he woke again we tried him bonjela i even tried abit more of a bottle incase he got thursty but he was screaming at the top of his lungs and even Nurophen wasnt helping him :( until half and hour later he went sleep an then decided to wake at 7ish time which i got up and stayed up.

Im that tired hes up 3 times in the night every day of the week.
Even hubby tried calming him down but it was difficult :(
Does anyone think its night terrors this early on his 8 months or it is it more teggies trying to come through?
If its teething wont he have his fists in his mouth if he was in pain because i cant tell if his gums hurt or not??
sorry for the long post x
He sleeps bout 3 times in the day because hes so worn out for being up all night :( im hoping its just his teggies xx

p.s. if its more teggies, how are your OH's coping with ur LO teething do they feel like there struggling aswell as us women with it all.?
When i say teggies i mean teeth lol.
I think it was his gums as he was up most the night lastnight and i seen another tooth coming through today so i guess within a space of a week he had one then the other came thru bless him no wonder hes been up so much in the night :(
yeah i see what you mean my OH doesnt respond to the crys he just puts in his headphones lol.
Its hard to ignore a cry like that also he didnt want the bottle lastnight.
Although the healthvisitor said if ive tried everything then theres not much i can do just perservay with it really cos some babies have it tough with teething and some others dont.
I now understand when people say its tough when there teething poor mite lol x
teggies for us too, or teggy pegs!!, Freddie had his first tooth through the other day and he has been waking 3-4 times a night as well, we think it's also partly due to him not being able to roll onto his back from his belly and getting frustrated

we usually put him back onto his back (he always then rolls onto his side), stick a dummy in, and then stroke his back to calm him down, sometimes he proper screams though so i pick him up and sit in the rocker with him until he goes back to sleep.

my OH is quite good, we have this thing where if it's before 2am he gets up and if it's after I get up cos he has to get up at 5.30am for work and I want him to have a few hours sleep at least. Freddie usually wakes between 1 and 4, he's fine the rest of the time.

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