Night feeds


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi All,

Ollie is just waking up once in the night for his feed (bottle) which isnt too bad atall. I was just wondering when i should drop the night feed.. are we talking weeks or months?

He slept in his cotbed for the first time last night (well until 4am when he came in with me).. im so proud of him!!

Claire x
All babies are different hun!
My first was about 12 weeks, my second only 3 weeks and my 3rd 6-7 weeks! Lola's not doing too bad! She can go up to 9 hours but not every night yet! Some children though take a few months before they sleep through!
Id follow LO's lead... I kept feeding him if he woke :D For ages it seemed like hed sleep 7pm til 5am, feed then go back down till 8ish. He soon droped that feed too though...
zach's only getting up once in the night now! he goes to bed about midnight, in his moses basket in my room, he's up about five for a feed, then gets up properly about 8. most mornings though i can put him down again about 9 & have another couple of hours kip!
all babies are different

my daughter Lydia used to wake for a bottle of milk 2 or 3 times a night until she was over two years old, and then we told her she had to stop having milk and switched to water instead.
And then a month or two after that, we told her that she was a big girl and didn't need to have a bottle any more.
She still asks for a cup of water to be kept at the side of her bed though in case she needs any.

My son is 16 months old, and breastfeeds all through the night. Whenever he stirs, he reaches for my boob. (To be honest it's getting a bit annoying - I never get a proper sleep because of this and it's making me irritable).
I'd see how he is during the day when he sleeps through without a feed and if he seem's uber hungry and cranky then I'd either still wake him for his night feed or give him a dream feed :D Isaac started sleeping through at about 6 weeks and he had larger feeds during the day to make up for the 'missed' one.

Play it by ear I'd say :D

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