Nightime feed..


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi All,

Ollie is having 5oz bottles (around 6 in 24 hours). He is still waking during the night and i automatically feed him. Last night i decided to give him a cuddle in bed with me instead of feeding him and he went to sleep. Should i still feed him during the night in light of his age or should i just see if he settles first. I read on a different thread that some babies wake out of habit which he may be doing.

What would you do?

Claire x
I would definitely just feed him Claire. If he takes quite a bit at night then he is probably waking because he's hungry. We knew that Becky wasn't waking for food when after a period of having slept through we fed her as a last resort. She only took half an ounce to an ounce and then was out for the count again so from then on we just settled her with a cuddle or brought her in with us. That wasn't until about 7 months though.
He seems to be doing what my Dillon did!
He would wake at 6ish and I would get him and cuddle him while OH went to get his bottle! But he would be fast asleep again the minute I cuddled him and slept for another couple of hours! He did that from 3 weeks until about 6 weeks when he just slept through anyways!
You might find that that was a one off also!
Just go with him hun! If a cuddle settles him before you get his feed then he cant really be hungry, if he wont settle then he is obviously hungry!
lea m said:
If a cuddle settles him before you get his feed then he cant really be hungry, if he wont settle then he is obviously hungry!

I agree

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