News and advice please!


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Am back after a little break. Unfortunately I lost our little surprise miracle baby on Friday. Kind of felt something 'disappear' about a week ago so knew it was coming..... I've been really ill over the weekend and still not feeling too cracking. It happened very fast on friday, just like a 'gush' and it was all over. Started period-type bleeding sat and just been laid up with the pain for few days.

We are coping ok with the whole thing, just a bit mad that we'll now have to get another appt to see fertility doc who is just going to refer me for another hysteroscopy to get the cyst in my uterus removed - since they missed it the last time they did the procedure! I've kept my scan appt for this thursday which would've been my 7 week scan - they want to check everything has gone etc.

So I am gonna ask on Thu that the clinic refer me straight to another dept to have the cyst removed, or I want to see the doc within the next week for the referal - this is a reasonable request isnt it? It seems unfair that I will have to wait weeks and weeks to see the doc just for this referal. And also I am very worried about infection etc - last big miscarriage (I've had several early ones too) I had to wait 9 weeks for period and had 2 awful infections - what should I ask for at the hospital for this?

We have a holiday booked in 5 weeks and I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally want this surgery before we go - I don't want to not be able to sleep with my husband for the next few months for fear of being pg again or having an infection (Hubby has condom-related problems and I can't take pill so neither is an option atm). I know the recovery might be a few weeks from surgery but at least I'll feel like I'm getting somewhere.

On a slightly more positive note, after the surgery we have decided to try naturally for 6 months or so before going back for more treatment (clomid etc) if they will let us and its safe.

16 months ttc, 2 pregnancies lost.......I never thought things would be like this when we started trying. Feel very numb about the whole thing.

Sorry for long post, hope you are all ok. Gonna do some catching up on some posts! :wave: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm so sorry Sarah1! I think that your request is reasonable and you should push for it. After all you have been through, they should work hard to give you what you need.

Wish you all the best for the future and hope you get a bfp soon!

Oh Sarah so sorry to hear of your loss. Its so sad.

I don't think your request its too much to ask for and it does not hurt at least asking. You won't get anything unless you ask.

I hope they help and support you.

Take care
Oh no :-( very sorry to read this Sarah. I really hope they manage to get you in for surgery before your hols.
Sending you big hugs xxx
I'm so sorry Sarah.

Hope you and hubby are ok.

If I were you i'd definitely be asking for the surgery ASAP as it's not fair you going through all this.

I'd make a phone call and try and get something booked in.

Xx :hugs::hugs:
Thanks everyone, feeling quite exhausted by the whole thing today. Had awful IBS attack since Friday and nothing is working to make it better. Still got heavy bleeding and period-type cramps too.....really hope everything just goes away soon.
You lot are brill, I really appreciate the support. Roll on Thu when I can get some answers I hope xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
so sorry for your loss hunny hope you push for eberything and get the answers you need
sending big hugs your way xxxxxxxxx

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