Absolutely completelyy normal hun! All your baby has known for 9 months is your smell, the sound of your heart beating, the rumble of your voice, the feeling of your chest rising & falling as you breathe. Everything about you is comforting & loving & your milk makes him feel more amazing than anything else. Honestly to expect him to go all night sleeping on his own is well.. unnatural! Co-sleep, snuggle, skin 2 skin, enjoy every single moment with your boy, let him nurse as much as he wants, let him be with you as much as he wants. He will soon be older & not need you so much x x x
Completely agree with this. Try not to expect your baby to go down, its scary for them.
We took it in turns to sleep for the first five weeks and baby slept on us 24/7. I bf and hubby would just wake me for a feed then take him straight back.
At 3 months I started co sleeping as hubby had started sleeping in the spare bed cos baby is a noisy sleeper apparently lol, and I sometimes breast feed lying down now and it means baby falls asleep in bed so I dont have to disturb him putting him down.
Forget chores and take as many breaks as you can in the day.