Newborn Belly Button


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2006
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I had my first child in America, where they cut the umbilical cord in half as soon as the baby is born. Then the baby is checked in the infirmary later, where they cut the cord close to the baby's belly button, so there is only a scab left on the baby's belly button. When you are sent home from hospital in America, along with other instructions, they give you alcohol wipes to rub the umbilical scab daily, until it dries and falls off naturally.

Is this the same thing that happens here in England? I am American, but having my baby here in England. Is the umbilical cord treated the same here? Or is there some sort of device attached to the baby's belly-button?
Hiya Hun

When i first got sent home, they didnt give me any, and i think its about 10 days they give u for the cord to fall off, u just have to wash it everyday, but sophie's cord didnt fall off after 10 days so i was then given alchol wipes to bath it and it feel off within 2 days :hug:
im really worried of the belly buton incase i hurt her :(
Soozee said:
Then the baby is checked in the infirmary later, where they cut the cord close to the baby's belly button, so there is only a scab left on the baby's belly button.

In England it's left about 1-2 inches long, you are shown how to clean it, then it drops off.
They put a little clip on it, they dont give you any alcohol to put on it (dont think id fancy that!!) and in a week to 10 days it drops off
Hands up who has kept it?????!!!!
I did lol. Its in my memory box (YUK)
Hands up who has kept it?????!!!!
:wave: Me :rotfl:

Ella's got really stinky so my mum said to sprinkle a little talc into it. Within a day or so of doing that it dried up and fell off.
I've still got Mason's :oops:

Dunno where Brody's is but I've got the clip :lol:
I kept the clips! Aimees took weeks to fall off and i had problems with it so was happy to throw it away (and it stunk)
Maddie's is still upstairs but it's going as it was covered in poo :? :shock:

The reason they stink is cause it's gangereen!! i nearly fell over when the midwife told me, followed my my dinner coming up ... thats gross!!!!
This is kinda freaking me out actually, tihnking about the cord, then it turning black and falling off as i'm squeamish at the best of times!
Oh awesome thanks! Its a relief to know that the umbilical cord is handled the same way here, just letting it dry and fall off naturally. I don't suppose anyone can relate to the culture shock I am experiencing being pregnant in a country foriegn to me. So many things are different here with pregnancies! Doctors deliver babies in America, not midwives. You have to pay in the USA if you want your baby delivered by a midwife.

Not to mention the circumcision issue for newborn boys. Please no one get mad at me, but its a normal thing for baby boys to be circumcised when they are born. So when I mentioned it to my midwife, she flipped out on me and made me cry. Not that I would have a circumcision done, I just told her that its routine in America. If I was having a baby boy I would want to have it here in England where I don't have to worry about circumcision. My family in the US is shocked though, when I told them I would NOT get our baby circumcised if it was a boy. But that is a culture thing.

This is all probably way TMI, but I never even knew men had foreskin until I was 24 years old and met my first British guy! None of my friends and family in America even know what an intact one looks like. To Americans its gross to NOT be cut. Different cultures are funny sometimes.

But anyway, every pregnancy is supposed to be special and I appreciate all the advice and support I have received from everyone here since I started posting all my worries like a month ago.
i really didnt know that about american men not having a foreskin :|
It's the same in South OH is circumcised, and my SA nephews etc.

Brody/Mason aren't though.
I knew that men in America generally are circumsized (just from being on American forums too much lol).
I didn't keep the cord or clip...I thought it was kinda ikky lol!

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