Newbie -


Sep 24, 2008
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Hi everyone, I'm a complete newbie and I just wanted to say hello! I've found it so reassuring reading everyone's posts, thanks for all the advice...I'm so pleased I've found this forum, I think I'm going to be addicted!!

It's so helpful to think that the thoughts & worries that have been going round and round in my mind are the same as everyone else. I can't quite believe that I am really pregnant, I've not had any symptoms apart from putting on a little weight & feeling a bit bloated. I'm off to see the Dr for the 1st time tomorrow so fingers crossed all's ok.

I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone.
Hiya hun and welcome to the forum :wave: congrats on your pregnancy... This forum is a god send and it doesn't take long for you to be come addicted, I dont know where I would be without this place and the girls on it.. Ive made some brilliant life long mates on here!! :hug: :hug:
Thanks girlies, it's great to meet you all. You can let me know what I've let myself in for LOL. :wave:
Congratulations and welcome! :wave: This forum is great and it's good to know you're not alone! It's also a good way to put your mind at rest if you're ever worried about anything and see you're not the only one thinking those things! :D
Congrats on your BFP! The forum is a great place for advice - even on the silliest of things!!
:wave: and welcome!

You will love it here! It is like my 2nd scrap that it is my first home!!

Great for advice, a hug when you need cheering up or just somewhere to catch up with other people going through the same as you!

Congrats on your pregnancy too!!
Hi and welcome! :wave:

This forum is ace, I found it a great source of info and support the first time I was ttc, all the way through my first pregnancy and now again for round 2!

You are 5 days ahead of me, so we are quite similar stages and im having the same symptoms as you, just bloated and looking a bit tubby haha!

Hope you enjoy it here, good luck at the doctors tomorrow :hug:
Welcome to the forum :wave: And congratulations on your pregnancy :cheer:
Hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months :hug:
hiya :wave: welcome to first tri :cheer:

:rotfl: :rotfl: i said that 2 times now

Welcome on board...I cant work out the tickler thing yet..but I too am 5 weeks gone..this is my 2nd pregnancy..had my twins 10 yearrs all seems very new again to me.

I havent felt that sick at all really..boobies abit sore..but other than just bloated!!

So..look forward to chatting

It's lovely to hear from you all. Thanks so much. Jaidy - it's great to have someone at the same stage...I'm the same, just feeling bloated and tubby LOL. Stomach is constantly making loads of gurgling sounds too...I sound like a drain!

It took me a while to work out the ticker but I found one on and you have to copy the BBCode into the signature bit of your profile...good luck. It's great fun.

Fingers crossed for the docs this pm :pray:
I've just got back from the Drs and she confirmed my pregnancy and said that I'm 6 weeks tomorrow...YAY :dance: So excited now. :dance: :dance:

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