Newbie (sort of!)

And I want to start shopping too, so much lovely stuff on eBay and online shops ;) x

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I dont think we could go through the heartbreak weve been through for this little miracle again so this baby will be spoilt :-) I'm convinced its going to be twins tho!!!

I've been ebaying tonight too!! eeek! i want to buy everything!!! xxx
Oh my gosh, if it is twins!!! That would be twice as exciting! You will find out when you have your scan - I can't wait to hear about it!

Me tooooo.... Stop me before I buy something!!!!! Haha. I spent all my money on tests, at least now I can spend on stuff that lasts a little longer lol xx

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Are any of you ladies concerned about being able to cope on maternity pay? xx
Are you/will you be claiming tax credits? x

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I feelso normal tonight it almost scares me - not tired, not nauseous - nothing...

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I'm not sure if we will be entitled to anything. If we are then we will.

My boobs are still killing and im still having discharge! x
Apply anyway - they can only say no! x

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Congrats to you! Fingers crossed for a sticky Ben! Welcome to tri 1. Xxx
My boobs are ridiculously sore this morning and I feel so sick!!! All good signs that things are progressing nicely?? X
Absolutely! That is very good!

I'm feeling rather ok... X

told you |I would stalk you in the 1st tri, lol! Wish I could have joined you, but not meant to be ;)

Are you worried about having twins? seeing as it is your 3rd - how would you feel about it being your 3rd and 4th rolled into one! the thought of the possibility freaks me out lol.

glad your doing ok over here.
Hey my lovely! Please do stalk me, otherwise I will miss you! And I will still keep an eye on you in TTC. But you better get used to this side here as you'll be here in no time! ;)

Thankfully there are no known twins on either sides of our families so fx it will not happen - it would freak me out big time!!! Are you going to stop at 3?

I am doing ok, been feeling well for the last 2 days which slightly worries me but trying to keep positive!!

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Been to the gp :-) If i can get next monday off work then i have my first midwife appointment at 11.30 :-) and she'll book my early scan eeeeeeekkkk!!!
Oh and he said they should be able to tell if its twins on the early scan!!
Well done, how exciting!!

I just called my GP and they're "a bit busy", first available appointment is 1st August. WTH. why do they take so many patients on If they can't handle the load. I've had my midwife for the last 2 pregnancies and now I need to go to their "overflow" clinic - not impressed :(

My 1st appointment is July 26th.

Although I'm in seeing the GP on Thursday to go over the results of my blood test that I had today. So I'll bring the pregnancy up anyway.
Got my booking appointment for the 11th July. Eeeekkk.

Going to have a private scan as well at 8 weeks just for reassurance...


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