Newbie (sort of!)

I'm gonna wait until 12 weeks to start. moneys a bit tight at the moment (yes i know its only going to get worse lol)

My boobs are huge and so so sore! My nipples are really sore aswell tho!! I've also been so so hungry - i cant stop eating!!!

You have plenty of time, dont worry :)

I keep eating too. That's what keeps my nausea away. X

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I normally feel quite nauseus on a night time. Still having cramps sometimes but im guessing thats normal.and lots of milky discharge.

i have a possibilty of twins aswell due to the fertility drugs i was on!!

Hi :)

I'm a similar time to you ladies. Feb 28th EDD.

I won't buy anything until after 12 weeks. I'm soooo paranoid.

The last day or two I've been a little sicky if I get hungry. But not too bad other than that.

Having some cramping and CM but not too different other than that.

Just so worried about anything going wrong. :( I need the next 8 weeks to go by fast!!
Katkin i'm feeling the same as you! Excited but scared! But then i keep telling myself that there is no reason why it should all go wrong.

As for the symptoms i am perfectly happy to throw up because i was written off by the doctos as probably needing ivf to conceive! So i'm over the moon to be here!! xx

Wow Nicky, what a journey - sooooo happy you got your BFP without needing IVF :dance: you deserve to be over the moon :)

Aww, lucky you! I am already a d cup so not looking forward to them getting any bigger lol.

I have been looking online too... I might get something before 12 weeks, I am just gonna think positive! Us and our babies will be fine! I am looking forward to getting maternity clothes but I know I will be sick of them after a few months - hated it last time! And the fact I had to stay in them for like another 6 months haha.

When are you having your gp/mw appointment? Xx

Lol berit, I think I will probably cave in and buy a few things before 12 weeks too!! ;-)
I had my 1st GP appt on Friday which went really well, and I am now waiting for the midwife to contact me for an appt. Having read other peoples posts that may A few weeks away!

Nicky & Berit, when are your GP appts? Xxx

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My GP appointment is in the morning at 9.40. Then i need to ring my consultant to make an appointment with him aswell.

I hope these next 8 weeks fly by aswell! Well nearly 7 weeks now!

Hi cupcake :waves: lol, yeah the 12 weeks before our 1st scans is going to draaaaagggggg!! I seriously need to find a hobbie to distract myself lol xxx
My GP appointment is in the morning at 9.40. Then i need to ring my consultant to make an appointment with him aswell.

I hope these next 8 weeks fly by aswell! Well nearly 7 weeks now!


Ooh, I hope your appt goes well tomorrow Nicky xxx
I haven't even called my gp yet, last time no one wanted to see me until I was 8-10 weeks so I didn't think there was any point... Maybe I should give them a call tomorrow? Xx

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Have you ladies told anybody yet that you are pregnant? I want to shout it from the rooftops but OH wont let me!! We've only told my mum, dad and sister and then secretly ive told one of my best mates. I am so struggling to keep it quiet!

Hi cupcake - just stay positive, that's the best thing you can do colour baby :) I downloaded a hypnosis app "positive pregnancy" on my iPhone so will start listening to that to stay positive until things are more certain :) x

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We have not told anybody and won't until the scan... So no one apart from us 2 knows :)

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We are not telling anyone else until our 12 week scan.

Also theres no harm making an appointment with your gp hun. Mine told me to phone as soon as i fell pregnant xx
Maybe I will call them tomorrow then... I guess they differ from area to area...

Have you thought of names yet? Haha. I'm such a loser, we have them sorted already x

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We have a boys name sorted but we have a choice of 3 names for a girl!! We've had them sorted since we started trying lol!!

We've told our immediate family and I've told a couple of friends - one is one of my best friends who is also pregnant (she screamed louder than me lol), and the other who is a work colleague. She asked me straight out and I couldn't lie!!

I also had to tell my boss as my GP appt clashed with an important meeting about the future of my job. She kept asking me why I couldn't change my appt as I really should be at the meeting (there is another one coming up that I was intending to go to but she wouldn't let it go........grrrrrr), so I had to tell her why my appt was so important. I didn't want to tell her yet but I guess she needs to knw at some point!
Maybe I will call them tomorrow then... I guess they differ from area to area...

Have you thought of names yet? Haha. I'm such a loser, we have them sorted already x

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We have about 20 girls names and 8 boys names - we wrote up our list before we even started TTC lol :rofl:
I know certain things that i want to buy aswell lol!!

I'm dreading telling work - my boss is a lesbian (no offence intended - i have no problems with it!) and isnt family orientated at all!!! She hates having to pay out maternity pay lol

Girls names are so much easier to choose!! But I only have one of each now so no need to worry about that anymore :P x

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I know certain things that i want to buy aswell lol!!

I'm dreading telling work - my boss is a lesbian (no offence intended - i have no problems with it!) and isnt family orientated at all!!! She hates having to pay out maternity pay lol


What do you want to buy then? I love hearing about these things!

I know what you mean, my boss is a career woman who I don't think will ever want kids so I won't feel too comfortable telling her either...

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