Hi everyone,
I'm new to the forum..infact any forum
me and husband are planning to try for a baby but were waiting for a few months before we start to try.
We have been using the withdrawl method when having sex but I know this isn't fool proof which we decided was fine as we do want a baby.
Anyway I have been having irregular periods ever since coming off the pill (November 11) and recently started charting them which was tending to be 4 days late every time ..example .. April started on 13th and ended on 16th, May started on the 17th ended on 20th.
Which brings us to June, had no period for this month! Were now July 3rd and I'm so confused. I did a pregnancy test last Wednesday and I was to impatient to do it in the morning so I did it in the afternoon I had drank a fair bit before so don't know if this could have affected result? But on the rest Superdrug home brand it said 99% effective, can test on day of missed period and at any time of day, it came back negative though.
I've been getting stomach cramps occassionally and feeling a little bit bloated like might have a period but it goes away and I don't get a period.
I've also been feeling sickly and getting little cramps after eaten anything and sometimes after a drink.
Could I have tested to early wrong time, do you feel sick after eating early pregnancy? In very confused not sure if should retest or what else it could be?
Any help will be appreciated greatly.
I'm new to the forum..infact any forum
me and husband are planning to try for a baby but were waiting for a few months before we start to try.
We have been using the withdrawl method when having sex but I know this isn't fool proof which we decided was fine as we do want a baby.
Anyway I have been having irregular periods ever since coming off the pill (November 11) and recently started charting them which was tending to be 4 days late every time ..example .. April started on 13th and ended on 16th, May started on the 17th ended on 20th.
Which brings us to June, had no period for this month! Were now July 3rd and I'm so confused. I did a pregnancy test last Wednesday and I was to impatient to do it in the morning so I did it in the afternoon I had drank a fair bit before so don't know if this could have affected result? But on the rest Superdrug home brand it said 99% effective, can test on day of missed period and at any time of day, it came back negative though.
I've been getting stomach cramps occassionally and feeling a little bit bloated like might have a period but it goes away and I don't get a period.
I've also been feeling sickly and getting little cramps after eaten anything and sometimes after a drink.
Could I have tested to early wrong time, do you feel sick after eating early pregnancy? In very confused not sure if should retest or what else it could be?
Any help will be appreciated greatly.