Newbie Alert!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2007
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Hi ladies

I'm a 30 yr old (soon to be 31 ...booo!) TTC for the first time.

I've been with my fella for 4 years happily married for 6 months.

Only started BD last thursday 4th although i had my coil removed in Aug last year and wanted to give my body plenty of time to get back to normal.

Usually fairly regular with AF, but 2 days late at the mo, highly unlikely, but you know how easy it is to imagine!!!

Well got my thermometer kit today so will start tracking as soon as AF arrives!!! grrr

Love to you all!
hi sparky and welcome :wave:

i'm 31 and ttc for the 1st time. presently i've a few symptoms but af due this weekend so have to wait and see. i'll not ger excited just yet!!

good luck to you and loads of babydust you're way
well if my period doesnt come in a week from now i'll prob take a test, as i'm never normally late, although the chances of conceiving so late in a cycle are virtually zero.

I'll start tracking when AF arrives (if she does he he). Got a kit from boots at lunch time. might as well see if theres any change in temp
Hiya welcome to the site and best of luck
Hiya Sparky :wave: and welcome to the forum.

good luck TTC :hug:

im 19 (20 in June) and started TTC around 15th December last yr. been with fiance for 3yrs 4months!!!

hope to speak to you soon, lots of baby dust :cheer:
welcome and good luck ttc , dont let temping get u down lol in the 2ww in can get obsessive lol
Welcome to the forum,

I'm quite new as well and have found everyone to be very friendly and helpful :D

I've also been with my fella 4 years and been married for 6 months, i'm 29 years old.

When af arrives i'll be starting to chart as well. I know exactly how easy it is to imagine, i think i've been doing it alot lately.

You never know it could be it, why don't you do a test?
Hi Grace

dont want to test as i'm sure AF's just messing me does she! we'll have to muddle through all this tracking together, seems complicated!!

Agreed tho, what a nice forum, been reading for most of the afternoon (when i should of been working!) people seem really friendly!
Hi sparky :wave:

Good luck with the TTC!

I am 30, 31 in March and been trying to ttc number 1 since July last year.
I Know,

I've been on hear most of the afternoon when i should be working, its so addictive don't you think. I think i've found out more information on pregnancy & TTC from here that what i've learned all my life.

I was on the injection and it took about 3 years for my body to get back to normal, I believe the pill is only a month or two. You never know though, maybe if it still hasn't arrived in a few days you could test? Have you had any other symptoms?
Grace said:
I Know,

I've been on hear most of the afternoon when i should be working, its so addictive don't you think. I think i've found out more information on pregnancy & TTC from here that what i've learned all my life.

Me too lol! Im on most ofd the day at work, then speed home in 10 mns and jump straight back on again - I do get some work done inbetwen im sure :think:

Im 32 in March and weve been together 19 months, getting married in June and been trying since Nov 05. Seems like a lifetime!

Currently unsure - my cycles are irregular but never longer than 35 days which is today, had BFN this morning but not giving up hope!

Good luck to you hun and welcome to the forum :hug:
hiya and welcome to the forum!!!
good luck TTC!!!!
Hello there :wave:

I am 27 (just gone) and been TTC for 11 months now.... currently 5 days late !! nearly 6.....

still no AF this morning and no cramps etc...

think i'm poorly with something and thats what is stopping it from coming. Temp reading 37.14 feel like i'm coming down with something boooo!
still no AF this morning and no cramps etc...

heres hoping

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