New years resolutions - whats yours??


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Im making one this year, mine is to be a better mummy, not to shout at Hope so much and be more patient as with the depression i sometimes just take things out on her and i shouldnt do that :hug:
Also to post more on peoples threads, i tend to just make and not post much and i feel bad fr this, i wana be more helpful and have more friends on here x
Iv come up with some for the crack lol

-Less net time
-more exercise time
-shift a stone in flab
-pass driving test

we shall :lol:
To shift these last few stone.. :roll:

To stop just swiping me card in a shop buying crap i dont need.... i worked it out im spending 100's of pounds a month on CRAP! :shock:

And to get reading my books and journals ready for september.... :cheer:
Ima try shopping online, so I dont buy all the 'crap' in Tesco, I go in for like milk and come out 50quid lighter!!! Its mad.

Im also giving up smoking, if ima TTC next year I guess that needs to stop... I dont know why I started again after I had Corey, because as soon as I found out I was preggers I stoped.
I want to lose 5 stone so I can fit back into my normal size 10-12 clothes, and for the PND of doom to bugger off.
1. really work hard at sorting my head out for my wonderful fiance and our beautiful daughter, really try to get better

2. have another baby!

3. try to be better with my finances
these are some great ones, im so jelous Lozzi, im wanting to train to be a middy when babies are alder, i want to now though :(
mummykay said:
Iv come up with some for the crack lol

-Less net time
-more exercise time
-shift a stone in flab
-pass driving test

we shall :lol:

Exactly the same for me :D
1. The ever famous lose weight! I say this every year!
2. Get my driving lessons started and pass my test so I can get a lil car!
3. Be nicer to Ewan. I spent the majority of 2008 a moody cow due to pregnancy hormones which seemed to continue after having Aimee.
4. Become more like a housewife and actually do housework.
5. Learn to cook, I am famous for phoning out for food or just popping a ready meal in the micro!
loose 4 stone.. starting tmro :) and get fitter..

p.s mel cant believe your almost due!!1
i know hun its madness, i blame my shocking spelling on that fact alone :rotfl:
CoreysMummy said:
Ima try shopping online, so I dont buy all the 'crap' in Tesco, I go in for like milk and come out 50quid lighter!!! Its mad.
im exactly the same
so be better with my finances and stop spending money on crap i do not need.

and lose a stone
*Have a happy and healthy baby boy.
*Keep alice has happy and healthy (bar a cold) as she has been so far!
*marry adam
*Be more sensible with money - try and create savings we have added to for the kids - not just money others have given them.
*build up our businesses so i don't need to go back to work (or at least not back full time).
*be a healthy size 14-16 by the end of the year. be at least a 16 for my wedding.
I wish I could make New Year's Resolutions and actually keep to them. So I vow every year not to make one and it's the only one I keep to :rotfl:
Get fitter
Get the house up for sale
Sort my transfer out
And get my scottish police application sent off

Sorted :D
1:- NOT SMOKE (gave up when preggers and really dont wanna return to it)
2:- Marry OH
3:- Be strong for Islas sake while OH is in Afghan for 6 months :(
4:- Lose another stone and half before April...
5:- Apply for my midwifery degree coz I have been a nurse for long enough and its about time I gave myself a kick up the bum

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