New Years Resolutions


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Right then ladies... im afraid its time to start thinking about your New Years Resolutions, seeing as we only have 25 days until 2007 hits us! :shock:

Mine are:-

1. Eat healthily
2. Exercise more
3. Try not to worry so much about irrational/trivial things!
4. Spend more quality time with my OH

Whats everyone else got in mind? :think:
Mine is the same every year - for the ironing pile to be non-existant on New Years day - I failed last year cos of Alex :(
Sounds so corny but I feel so much different turning 21... so....

1. Love me
2. Be closer to my family
3. Be more patient with my little sis.. sometimes i snap at her and feel so baddd :cry:

4. Lose weight (dont we all say that :rotfl: )
5. Eat healthy
6. Pass my practical by march! :cheer:
7. Awww my baby...... so many things with her... i wanna be the (almost) perfect mommy :cry:
8. eerrrrmmmmm save some money :rotfl:
yeah it shud b, how does it become a sticky?

* praise OH more even if i want to stick hot pokers in his eyes.
* Lose a stone, I want to get to 8 and a half stone again (yeah like thats ever going to happen,)
*Be more affectionate
fingerscrossed said:
yeah it shud b, how does it become a sticky?

* praise OH more even if i want to stick hot pokers in his eyes.
* Lose a stone, I want to get to 8 and a half stone again (yeah like thats ever going to happen,)
*Be more affectionate

OMG 8 and a half stone?? I wish!

I remember when I weighed that much, me and my friend were going on holiday with my parents and I was obsessing that I had to lose weight before we went :shock:

I cant join in with the losing weight resolutions this time so I'll save that for next year!
Im doing well, im 9 and a half stone now but i went up to twelve and a half whist PG, I think that extra stone has just settled on my chin, well whats left of it, its sort of welded into my neck
fingerscrossed said:
Im doing well, im 9 and a half stone now but i went up to twelve and a half whist PG, I think that extra stone has just settled on my chin, well whats left of it, its sort of welded into my neck

:lol: Dont be too hard on yourself, its only been 2 months since you had Alfie!

I was still trying to lose weight 3 years after having Josh!!! :oops:

That ideas gone down the drain now lol, I'll probably be huge after this baby :roll:
I think MIL new yrs resolution shud b to stop drinking. Ian works away and shes just rang me for his hotel number and room number so i gave it to her had a chat etc. Hung up next thing phone rings, so i answer ... hello, as u do and she asks me for 115, to which i said pauline you dont want to be ringing me and if i had 115 rooms id be a millionaire, to which she replied, but this is the number you gave me, no it isnt pauline stop drinking, she laughed. she does wreck my head but she makes me laff
fingerscrossed said:
Im doing well, im 9 and a half stone now but i went up to twelve and a half whist PG, I think that extra stone has just settled on my chin, well whats left of it, its sort of welded into my neck

Ive gone up 3 stone too hun, that makes me feel better knowing you got back down to 9 and 1/2 stone me hope!! :D
My new years resolution in to never let a day slip away.

Oh and get pregnant - but I don't have as much control over that one :lol:
my news years reslution last year was to weight less on jan 1st 2007 than i did on 2006. When i found out i concieved in August i thought thats blown that but as i've not gained any weight I am gonna make it 24 weeks preggers and weighing less than last year LOL
x-kirsty-x said:
fingerscrossed said:
Im doing well, im 9 and a half stone now but i went up to twelve and a half whist PG, I think that extra stone has just settled on my chin, well whats left of it, its sort of welded into my neck

:lol: Dont be too hard on yourself, its only been 2 months since you had Alfie!

I was still trying to lose weight 3 years after having Josh!!! :oops:

That ideas gone down the drain now lol, I'll probably be huge after this baby :roll:

ive gained now... i gained 4 kgs
I've gained about 3 stone i think, so my new years resolution is to lose weight!!
Mine will be to try and relax more. I'm a complete stress head!
fingerscrossed said:
how much is 4kgs?

Think it's 8lbs (2.2 lbs to 1 kg rings a bell).

My new years resolution is to definitely lose weight.
I lost 1.5 stone for my wedding in June, but married life seems to agree with me and i have put nearly 2 back on :shock:
my news years resolutions are:

- half my body weight... im kidding!! i do wanna lose about 4 stone tho, ive gained 3 stone in pregnancy and i was a stone off the weight i wanted to be before pregnancy..

- save up for a new car

- exercise more instead of driving everywere :lol:

- start saving up for the future... need to be more responsible now im gonna be a mummy!
my new years resolution is
1) try getting a night out just me and OH no kids (like thats going to happen cos no one will look after my 2 good girls :( havent had once since we met almost 6 years ago)

2) to make more of an effort with the way i look

3) spending some quality girly time with Adele and Colby on their own (whenAdeles at nursery mine and colbys time and whenColbys in bed mine and Adeles time)

4) try and cut down the amount of time i spend on here (thats got to be the hardest though :shock: )
yep i'm with you all to lose weight after had the baby ( got to get fit for my wedding april 2008 - so i'll have a year!!)

and be the best mummy possible, and try to relax and be a chilled out mummy!!

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