**** New Tri 1 Roll Call ****

Hello...i am joining the tri1 crew now I suppose :) nice to meet you all! And congrats! X
dyscochick you same due date as me!!:) woop! but it could change tomrow lol as i have scan :) xxx

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Hi, please can I be added too? My due date is 21 January.

I've had very vivid dreams especially right after I found out I was pregnant - sort of stopped now but still have a few pregnancy/miscarriage related dreams.

Anybody else constantly checking for symptoms? Previously had a miscarriage and I remember I lost all m symptoms so now I constantly nudge my boobs to ensure they are still tender - unfortunately the only sign I have left :(

Initially, I sweat a alot (before BFP) and then it turned into tender boobs and period "cramps". As weird as it may sound I do hope I'll get the morning sickness :)
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Wow can't believe how many jan babies we have now!!! Wonder who our first feb baby will be???
hi ladies, congrats to all!!! pop me in as dec 28th, i thinkkkk xxx
I am very sheepishly posting here. I'm not 100% sure when my due date is but I think it will be 12 Jan 2012. I can hardly believe it, I feel like the luckiest girl alive.

Am of course terrified that something will go wrong, but right now feeling OK. Some period pain type cramps, but am assured this is normal. I'm going to try and get a Dr appointment tomorrow so will hopefully know more then.

Everyone here seems really friendly - so hello everyone!

Omg I have just been looking at my calendar and I have my scan in 16 more sleeps and then it'll be time for tri 1 graduation! This feels like its going way too fast!!!!! Heeeeelp!!!!! No wonder my OH is freaking out haha!

Hiya. I am new to Tri1, can you put me down for January 20th please? That should be about right, though you watch them try to change it at Scan lol
I got my scan date through for 11/6/12 :) I'll be approx 12+2
I got my scan date through for 11/6/12 :) I'll be approx 12+2

Yay that's brill!!! Mines 5 days before :-/ im sure they will put me back to 22/12 the same as you though.

Thank you :) I'm really hoping I don't get put back lol
had scan all is good :) got put back to 11+1 xxx

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All updated ladies! Anyone else heading off to tri 2, had a scan, got a scan date or need to join as a January or maybe soon a February due date? xx

Hi there, could you add me please? I'm jan 27th! Xxx

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