New to TTC and PF - currently in 2WW


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Hello lovely ladies!

Apologies, if I post questions that have been previously answered on other threads, I did try and have a browse ;-)

Hubby & I have decided to TTC. We've made love without protection since my last period regularly including after 10 days of my last period. As I don't really have extensive knowledge on TTC, I have a few questions.

1. Folic Acid
I have only recently read you need to start taking Folic Acid 3 months before TTC, and keep taking it the first 12 weeks. I now worry, that I didn't take Folic Acid (started to take Pregnacare a few days ago when I read about the Folic Acid!) but could it mean my baby won't be healthy? :cry:

2. I've had some really strong headaches, temperature a few days after we've made love, and apart from my boobs feeling swollen & going to the loo a lot (it would seem!) I don't have any early pregnancy symptoms. I'm so excited to see if my period will come when it is due, or else I will know I might be pg already :-))

3. Should I not succeed, is there any advice you could give me how to succeed next time? I don't really know much about cervix examination, taking your temperature every day etc.

Wishing you all BFPs!!!

Hey and welcome! Don't stress too much about folic acid - it's a good idea but not vital - the fact you have started now is ok.
There are lots of different preg symptoms - boobs are a good indicator generally :)
As for ttc I found ovulation predictor kits throughout my cycle came in very handy from day 9 onwards. Good luck x
If you're been on the pill or had other hormonal contraceptive you can have more obvious PMS symptoms which can be similar to pregnancy ones.

Hope you get your BFP soon though.

Wow! Quick replies! Thank you, thank you! :-) xx

I've not been on the pill for years as I had high blood pressure being on them and I decided to take a break, so after that we were using condoms again.

So I'll continue taking the folic acid (it will come in handy to stock up in case I get a BFN!) and bite my nails anxiously until I can test! ;-D

With all honesty it is our first try, so I try and tell myself not to get too excited, but I really want to have a baby!

Princess - How many ovulation predictor kits did you buy? And so did you start testing from 9 days after the first day of your period?

Thank you for the lovely advices!!! xx
Hi and welcome to PF.

Good luck with your TTC journey.

Hello and welcolme to PF!

Good luck with your BFP this month!

:dust: to you xx
Good luck 'ourlovebump' hope you get ur bfp soon x
Welcome and good luck getting your BFP this month :) :)
welcome to PF and good luck on your TTC journey, hope you get your BFP quickly :) xx
Aww, thanks for the lovely replies! Just got back from a city break from Paris, where I had such an amazing time, I didn;t even think about TTC or PG at all! In fact, I had moments where I thought 'Oh God, I really don't know if I can take on the responsibility of caring for a little person!' Has that happened to anyone else? Is that normal?

I have another 4-5 days to wait for AF & then do the tests, but I have such mixed feelings about it! Part of me really thinks I'd love to be a mother, another part thinks...NOOO! I can't do this! xx
You can get batches of opk's from well known Internet auction sites :whistle: I think 30 odd came with my pack and they do duo ovulation and pregnancy testing packs. First day of your AF is day 1 of your cycle, so basically start the opk's a week after the first day of your period :) when you get a positive the test lone should be about as dark as the control line - this means that you are due to ovulate in the next 24ish hours and not at the specific point where u get the positive test iykwim??
Hi Ourlovebump! Welcome. I been using opk strips for first time this month. I recomend you also get a clear blue digi, cos i found the test lines difficult to read. Mine were very faint and not getting anything now. Some girls were very lucky and got great lines. Mine definitely weren't as strong as theirs. Its frustrating if you miss your 'window'. Good luck for a BFP!!!

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