back to the forum wanting to ttc after a loss....


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
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hi guys its with trepidation i put this thread! iv been on this forum a while ago when i was in my second tri, i sadly had to have a termination at 16weeks for medical reasons and we are now feeling ready to try again.... i have to go to the docs and talk to them about higher levels of folic acid (believe i need to ideally take for 2-3 months before we ttc again) but this is my first step forward, i had my second period since the termination (not counting the bleed after) and my cycle was different as this period was late, not sure if thats normal or not i used to be 28days but this time was 32 il have to monitor and see how long till next one i guess and talk to docs when i go about the higher dose folic acid. so hi and i guess heres hoping for this time around to be successful.:wave:xx
hi there k8. i am so very sorry to hear of your loss - and so far on must have been very difficult, i'm so sorry.

i totally get why coming back to ttc must be hard for you but just wanted to say we are all here for you and i wish you a speedy bfp, u clearly deserve it.

best wishes hunny xxxx
Hi there K8,

Welcome back to the pf :)

So sorry to hear of your loss,I can't imagine what that must have been like for you and your OH to go through.

When I was pg with my first child my mum found out she was pg too,(i was only 18 at the time and mum had me when she was 18 so she was in her early thirties if you were wondering) anyway,she went for her 20week scan and found there was a prob and had no choice but to have a termination,but had to be induced and give birth which was horrendous for her and something she has never got over.
As you can imagine I felt terrible as there would of only been a month apart of us giving birth,in the end though she saw it that she wouldnt of had much time for her first grandchild and really seemed to bond more with my little girl because of what has happened,and because she knew that she wouldnt be trying again that was her way of dealing with it,each to ther own and all that.

God works in mysterious ways as they say which I no we wont always agree with.

But Welldone to you for making the decision of ttc again and I wish you all the luck in the world with your fresh start and new journey of ttc.

:dust: :dust: xxxx
Hi K8 :wave:

Welcome back, im so sorry, i was following your posts and just wanted to send you massive :hugs:
Its nice to see you back in ttc, i know its really hard being back here but i wanted to wish you all the luck in the world for your ttc journey and wanted to sent you lots of babydust :dust::dust::dust:
Take care hunny, i hope you get your bfp very soon, you deserve it x x

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Hello there :wave:
So sorry to hear what an awful time you've had of it :hug:
Wishing you all the very best for this time round. Xxxxx
hello again and i wish you loads of luck this time round......xx
Welcome back to the forum hun!

Glad your feeling up to talking about ttc again

So sorry to hear about your loss, I'm sure your little one will be sending you lots of positivity from above xxx
Sorry for your loss k8, I can't begin to imagine how hard that must have been for you. Welcome back to ttc. Sending you lots of babydust.Xxx
so sorry to hear about your loss :-( Welcome back to the forum though I wish you lots of luck and babydust with your TTC journey and hopes for a BFP for you soon :dust:x x

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