New to Tri 3


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2006
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Now joining you in tri 3 :D

Can't believe im this far already, Finally past the just looking fat stage

Ooo and i have my 4d scan booked for tomoro :D
Hello :wave:
welcome to third tri!
Good luck with your 4D scan tomo!
are you going to be posting piccies??? :D
Hi chick

Where is the cake??????????? You gotta bring cake for us, its the key to the 3rd thinking xmas cake for a bit of festivity!

Welcome to the third tri, it gets exciting here :cheer:
Hiya welcome to Tri 3, bet ur excited about ur scan Grace xx
*brings christmas cake for jaidy*

and yeah i will post pictures :D
Welcome to third tri Claire! :hug:

*cuts a big fat slice of xmas cake*
clairem1984 said:
*brings christmas cake for jaidy*

and yeah i will post pictures :D

Ooooooohhh you little star! *Moves fat bum over for claire1984 whilst scoffing a slab of cake*
Someones gotta have their Lo soon or there will not be enough room for all these fat arses! :lol:
im afraid its not home baked tho, Tesco bought haha.

as long as its not me having him yet lol.

my bums not THAT big yet...
Any kinda cake, home made, shop bought is good! :lol:

Lucky you is all i can say!! :lol:
i think im just all bump at the moment, or my OH is lying to me and really my bum has got huge lol
:lol: Maybe you're just one of the lucky ones!!

People say that i don't look as if i have put on much weight elsewhere but you just know yourslef when you have!

So i take it you're having a little blue bundle with your blue ticker? Any names?
i dunno ive gained 2 and a half stone :shock: it must have gone somewhere!

But yeah it should be a boy, im gonna check tomoro at the 4D scan :D

Its Jack Ryan if its a boy

What are you expecting? and any names?
clairem1984 said:
oh your ticker says a surprise. im blind

:lol: Pregnancy brain strikes again!

We've only just decided on a boys name, so if it is a boy it'll be Joshua Jamie and a girl Sophie Lisbeth!

I've gained 3 stone, i'm hoping i can lose it all again!
Love your names :D

Im starting to wonder how much weight u actually lose straight after birth and how much is extra :think:
I'm hoping at least 2 and a half stone, but then again i can keep dreaming eh! :lol:
haha i wish.. maybe a stone? depends how big bubba is lol

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