New to this and need some advice please


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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Hi all - I am not exactly TTC as I was going to wait till September but for the last 2 weeks I have been feeling sick, my breasts are swollen (1.5 inches ), I am moody and getting regular crampy feelings - I don't usually get any of this will AF.

I am still on the pill but tried two clear blue tests and they were both negative - I have booked a doctors appointment today as worried but the more I think about it I do feel pregnant - does this all sound reasonable?

Can the doctor tell any earlier with say a blood test? I am not due to stop the pill for my break till Wed and then AF comes between 3 and 5 days after that.
Hi :)

A dr can do a blood test but unless you're late he/she probably won't. A hpt might not work until during your break as well.

They do sound pretty strong symptoms x
Thanks for the reply - I do feel that I may be but don't want to get my hopes up too much - I will go and see what the doctor says - have been feeling a bit dizzy this morning too - I am not sure how far on I would be as my AF last month was lighter and shorter than normal but didn't think anything of it as had none of the other symptoms.
Welcome Jensbump.....hope you get the answers you want me dear good luck xxx
Thanks Wilma - it's great to have people to chat with about this
:wave: Hi there - did you miss any pills then? I hope you get the result that you want! :)
I can't remember actually missing any pills but may have been late in taking one - I have also been over heating a lot the last few days and not sleeping right - up in the middle of the night going to the toilet which is not like me - I am really hoping the doctor will do a test but if not will test at the weekend.
Hi, If you explain that last month wasn't quite right either then the doctor may do a blood test for you. Good luck, hope you get an answer soon :)
Hopefully the doc gives you a blood test.

The symptoms do sound promising.

Hope you get your BFP, let us know how u get on hun xx
Thanks all for your comments and encouraging words - going to doctors in an hour so hopefully get somewhere with that if not I will test at the weekend - I am hoping for a BFP :)
Fingers crossed for u - let us know what the doc says xxx
Didn't have a good experience at the doctors - he said there was no chance I was pregnant as I had done a home test and it was negative - said I had a urinary tract infection even though I told him I had had those before and the symptoms were not the same - he gave me antibiotics and sent me away to give a sample.

I love the nurses though they saw how annoyed I was and tested my sample there and then - no infection as I suspected - they then sent a sample marked urgent to get tested for pregnancy and took some blood but that takes 10 days.

I am none the wiser but should know by tomorrow after 2pm - still might be too early though as not due till Saturday
Fingers crossed for you Jen, a and welcome to the forum xx
Well I phoned the doctors and they said there is def no infection but the pregnancy results were not back - actually not expecting them to be positive as did a test last night and it was negative and from what I read their tests are not any more sensitive than the home ones - am I right?

I do have some news though - when I got the BFN last night I got so upset had not realised how much I wanted this - so now after a discussion with OH officially stopping the pill and getting my system back on track and going to start TCC if I get AF at the weekend - how long before I have a real AF?
Its right about the sensitivity of the tests - in fact the doctors tests are less sensitive than some hpts.
As to your first cycle off the pill it varies massively from person to person - sorry, know thats not a very good answer but its true.
Good luck for TTC :)
Thanks Frankie - did you count your first bleed in the first month after stopping the pill or wait till the second ?
I had my normal withdrawl bleed a few days after stopping and then what I considered to be my first cycle which was 32 days until first "real" af and then last month it mucked me about and I had a 50 day cycle.
Good luck ttc, I had similar symptoms to you this week and I am not on the pill and haven't been since Dec and I have been putting down to urinary tract infection but as it seems to have gone away no point me going to docs I don't think. I hope u soon get a bfp
Thanks KellyLou - I still have all the symptoms and was in bed the last two nights from 8.30 and still tired trying not to get too excited and keep thinking if this isn't it then I will start trying for real next month - loads of baby dust being sent your way best of luck xo
i ahd a bleed about a week after stopping cerezette then had nothing for 3 months so think it varys for different people x

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