New to this, advice please...

i agree it takes over my life a lil bit to as i'm always thinking and easy to talk on here as a lot pf my friends have kids and i don't want to ask them.feel a lil envious sometimes when they talk about there children.we are always here if you need a moan x
Joey2011 he does play football once a week but that's is tough cos I moan at him about it and then sometimes we wont end up doing it cos we've either rowed or the 'pressure' will get to him so he cant quite manage it...that's why when I tell people how long we've been trying I cant tell them a) why it hasn't happened yet or b) why we haven't been docs yet! I just hope every month that it gets easier and one month we'll get it just right...Fingers crossed anyway!! xxx
Hi again!

I use clearblue ovulation tests (the non-digital ones) until I start seeing two lines - I will test from cd7, and then when I start seeing two lines I move onto clear blue digital which will give you a smiley face if you are surging and an open circle if you are not. I prefer the yes/no of the digitals because the others are difficult to interpret (the 2nd line has to be at least as dark as the 1st). From about day 10-11 I do tend to test twice a day as often I seem to get a -ve in the morning and then surge in the eve so I don't want to miss it.

I have also just ordered some preseed which seems to have rave reviews so hopefully that will help our sixth cycle. With that preseed I also got some free cheapy ovulation and pregnancy tests so I'll also see how good those are compared to the clearblue ones.

Like you I have always strived to succeed and now I am definitely being tested!

Fingers crossed for all of us! xxxx
We have sex every other day all month to make sure sex stays about us and not about baby making. We're not too regimented either - sometimes we let an extra day go by and other times we go every day. I find my drive is higher around ovulation anyway.

Hasn't worked in terms of a baby yet, but in terms of our relationship we feel closer than ever and wonder why we didn't devote as much time to sex in the past!
Racha, I know exactly what you mean, I'd look at pregnant women and think 'if only' and I've secretly accused pregnant friend's of being smug! How awful! This is their time and they have every right to enjoy it!

Jarjar81, I was scared my husband would feel too much pressure too so I've gone with the underwear and stilettos route! Then I thought that I was putting myself under too much pressure so we mix it up.

Secrethope, thanks for the tips, I'm going to buy a digital one today, hopefully noone from work will see me!

Scotchegg, I absolutely feel the same, it's done my relationship wonders!

FYI- I'm hiding in the loo writing this on my iPhone, told you, I'm a nut job!! ;-)

it may seem awful but its not i think we can get a bit like that.i agree with you all about sex i think it should be about you both and be able to enjoy it when you take the pressure of a bit (easier said then done) x
I sent my hubby an e mail with the sperm meets egg plan in it yesterday. I asked him this morning if he got it and he said 'bloody hell I'm gonna be knackered' lol. I agree about feeling a lot closer to him though, it's such a lovely thing to share with your partner. This plan starts from day 8 of your cycle which is today for me so let's hope he's had a good day. :ttc:
Tanya4beauty we're both on day 8, that's brilliant!

I've been away with work so I demanded by text that my husband 'dispose of his old fellas'. He responded by asking 'have you just demanded that I have a w@nk', I just couldn't stop laughing and told him to count himself lucky! ;-) we're both seeing the funny side of all this and I think above all else it's trying to communicate your feelings which is so hard, even with the closest people in your life.

thats true you need a sense of humour with all of it i tell my OH things and hes like 'yes babe' x
Tanya4beauty we're both on day 8, that's brilliant!

I've been away with work so I demanded by text that my husband 'dispose of his old fellas'. He responded by asking 'have you just demanded that I have a w@nk', I just couldn't stop laughing and told him to count himself lucky! ;-) we're both seeing the funny side of all this and I think above all else it's trying to communicate your feelings which is so hard, even with the closest people in your life.


Excellent, we can go through this journey together this month!! My husband just rolls his eyes with a cheeky smile whenever I come out with something. I think he is wondering where on earth I pick up all this info from!! Still it's all good fun, only downer is if I get a BFN this month I'm gonna get AF when we are on holiday. :mad: typical when we could 7 whole days of ttc. Xx
Tanya4beauty, what do the acronyms mean at the end of your post? I'm learning the lingo ;-)

Things have to be fun but I will not be saying that in a few weeks time when the devil takes over me!

Don't worry I'm still learning them too! Hopefully been using them correctly!! BFN means big fat negative (in relation to doing a pregnancy test) and AF is a term for your period (think it stands for aunt flow)!!! Or otherwise known as the witch!! I'm sure I found a page telling you what they all stood for but can't seem to find it now!
Oh and ttc is trying to conceive
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Thanks very much for clarifying for me. I think I'm ovulating today, noticed my egg white mucus so fingers crossed this will be my month! Should I now be having sex each day for a few days for the best chance?

Well I read something called the sperm meets egg plan the other day and it said to have sex every other day from day 8 then every day during ovulation and then once more after for luck! Good luck! X

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