New to 1st Tri


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2007
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Hi Ladies,

I recently got my BFP and am 5 weeks pregnant. Last week I had some slight nausea and my nipples were slightly sensitive. Now, however, I don't seem to be getting nausea and my nipples are not sensitive. I am scared that there may be a problem that I don't know about.

Has anyone had few symptoms, or lost their symptoms very quickly, but still still had a successful pregnancy.

I know I am pregnant as I did 5 tests, plus had bloods done at 4 weeks they were 163.

Any advice appreciated.

Hey hun congrats again on your BFP!!! :cheer: :hug: And welcome to tri 1 :wave: my symptoms seem to have been on and off since i got my BFP but now saying that the nausea is just as bad aswell as really sore boobs so i guess its different for most. With my other 2 i had terrible morning sickness and not much else apart from that so this time is slightly different.
Here's hoping you have a happy and healthy 9 months :hug:
Congrats on your BFP!!

As for symptoms I haven't really had many to be honest, and I didn't with my first either so try not to worry - you're one of the lucky ones!!
Thanks Flossy and Vicki for the reassurance. I know that I should just relax and assume everything is fine unless something happens, such as bleeding. I am going to try to forget about my irrational concerns. :oops:
Just wanted to say congrats on your its already been said some girls dont have any symtoms and others have loads, try not to worry hun... I have a day where I feel great loads of energy and no sickness then the next day I cant get off the sofa!! xxx
I felt rough for a week or so when I found out; cramps, nausea, tiredness etc, then it disappeared for a week or two. It all came back though at about 7 weeks and I've felt pretty rubbish ever since!

Make the most of it for now! x
Thanks again girls. I feel better hearing your stories. I will enjoy feeling good and stop worrying!

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