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Oct 28, 2007
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Hello, I have just found this forum earlier this week and have been reading through so much all of you have contributed to. It has been really informational and supportive group. Congrats to all of you.

A little introduction one me, I am 32 and DH is 33, we have been married for nearly 3 years (in december) and started ttc from summer, I found out on Tuesday that I am BFP. I had it confirmed with blood work.

My only concern is that I have been having brown discharge since friday. I have read everywhere that it says it is probably old blood and nothing to worry about but as obvious as it is, worry does not leave my mind. Called the surgery on friday morning when I had spotted it, got an emergency doctors appointment which was great, the doc checked my urine sample for infection along with usual check up by sight but no scans as I believe it is too early to see anything anyway. However she did suggest that if it got heavy/red then to go straight to A&E.

If many of you have experienced brown discharge with normal cramps (nothing major in pain) could you please let me know?

Thankyou so much and I feel great I registered. According to me I am 4 weeks and 5 days today.

Hello and welcome to the forum :D

Congratulations on your BFP :cheer: :cheer:

I haven't experienced any brown discharge, but I did get AF type cramps when AF would of been due in september.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

It's very scarey when you get spotting but lots of people do. Well done for getting checked out and as your doc says keep an eye on it. But you might just be one of those ladies who is prone to spotting. Something ike 35 % of pregnant women do spot. As for the cramping I had it really bad from weeks 4 to 6 and still now a bit. It feels just like A/F pain but infact it's just your uterus stretching to prepare for your babies growth and cramps are one of the first things I have noticed most newcomers to first tri asking about.

Best of luck and great to have you on board!!

Becs :hug:
I got brown discharge (like day 5 of a period) from 4 weeks 0 days to 4 weeks 3 days. It was an implantation bleed - yours could be too? xxx
Hey congratulations i can't offer any advice on the discharge but im sure loads of ladies on here will be able to help you.

Im sure you wil settle in well here and we hope to see more of you and get to know you better x x x
hi neev,
im a newbie here aswell :)
i dont know about the discharge, but in my 1st pregnancy i had awful cramps, like the ones i have with AF.
i went to the hospital, and they did an emergency scan and found everything was ok. like the others have said, cramping at this stage is pretty common (but a bit scary if you're not expecting it)

look forward to chatting with you :)
i got brown discharge and some red clots with no pain and everything was fine so am sure you have nothing to worry about- its just one of those things in early pregnancy so don't worry too much. congratulations on your pregnancy :D :D
Congrats :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I too had spotting and around 8 weeks when 2nd af would of been due it lasted 5 days and everything turned out fine. I also had the cramping in the early stages its quite normal and nothing to worry about as long as its not bright red and your not in a lot of pain i wouldnt worry.
Thanks everyone for such beautiful replies and support. After I had posted my worry I went to the A&E because fresh blood was seen, no scanning since it is Sunday. Though the HCG levels were only 56 (on wednesday they were 57 so the correct levels now should be in 800s). So unfortunately I have gone through a M/c. I dont really want to put a dampener on this thread but thanks everyone and I hope to get some tips from any other threads about what to expect now, kind of lost and not knowing what should the body be doing next.
Hi Neev, so sorry to hear your sad news, take care of yourself and take it easy, it will be a difficult time but it does get easier, I lost a baby back in jan at 10 weeks so I kind of know what you are going through, take the time YOU need and take good care of yourself.
I'm so sorry to read about this Neeve. :( :hug: :hug: :hug:

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