

Jan 4, 2007
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Hi all,

I found out I'm pregnant (6 weeks EDD 25/11) after a year of TTC- hooray! Ever since then I have been having a brown discharge (I'm having to wear a panty liner), but there isn't any red blood. Sorry about being explicit, but I tend to see it when i wipe. I went to the doctor yesterday to confirm the pregancny and told him about the discharge - he told me that it is common and that it I may have it for the whole of my pregnancy.

This is my first baby, so naturally I am a little worried - has anyone else heard/experienced this?

i have just found blood in my discharge and this is my first baby too although I miscarried two years ago yesterday. I know brown discharge is normal but im not sure if blood in discharge is? I have cancelled going into work today as I feel dizzy and anxious plus they dont know im pregnant.
Brown disharge is pretty normal babes, wouldnt worry about it to much..

Keep your feet up, relax a bit more and im sure things will be fine.. will be thinking of you
xxx :hug:
Good luck both of you.

Im sure its nothing to worry about but i would get checked out at EPU even if its only to put your minds at rest.

Thinking of you xxxxx
A little brown discharge isn't uncommon in the early weeks.

I had this too and was checked out at the EPU scan unit. If your bleeding continues ask your GP to refer you.

Congratulations on your pregnancy!
I had this at around 7-8 weeks and was told that it is totally normal, I know it's really hard (this is my first too) but try and not worry about it
Brown blood/discharge is normal. It's often refered to as implantation bleeding as the embryo quite literally digs a hole in your lining to snuggle up in and creating a hole means the bits that were dug out become old blood - don't fret about brownish discharges, if it turns bright red (new blood) then I'd be getting myself checked out but even then that can be quite normal in early pregnancy too. Don't fret I honestly don't think brown discharge/blood at 6 weeks is anything to worry about.

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