new mum worries!


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Apr 24, 2012
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my gorgeous little boy is 2wks old and the last couple of days he just doesn't want to settle/sleep during the day after feeds. he had been fine up till now and usually falls asleep straight after feed, but now taking 1 hr or more to settle him and then he sometimes only sleeps for an hour!
worried that i'm doing something wrong:(
any advice greatly received:)
At that age babies are all over the place I'm afraid esp for the first 6 weeks. The best thing you can do is follow babies lead. He will eventually settle into a natural routine. What we did was set up a nightime 'routine' (I say that loosely as I don't believe in routines for newborns) we kept tv and lights down low and had quiet cuddles about 1-2 hours before bedtime. I used to take Tyler into bed with me in a dark room before we both went to bed, daytime I'd feed him in the light living room and he slept around the hustle and bustle.

We are the same, we are roughly trying to feed and nap at the sane time each day but he feeds better during the day than he does at night. The only thing I'd recommend is make sure he empties your breast (if you are bf) at each feed. When Fin wasn't taking as much he didn't sleep as deeply xx
at that age all i did was try to make some kind of difference between night and day by having curtains open and noise etc during he day and dark and quiet at night, no talking to them unless soothing or gentle singing so that they can sleep easier at night and know the difference. if they wanna stay awake an hour they will and if they wanna sleep an hour they will unfortunately. they do usually get into a pattern eventually of being awake for 30 to 45 mins and sleeping for a while. they are changing so much and learning lots in the first 6 weeks that their routine and habits change a lot and its hard to get a routine until after 6 weeks.
That sounds very normal - well, it was my experience anyway. We were all over the place for quite some time. Most important thing you can do is to try aNd differentiate between day and night... Apart from that, just go with baby's lead! It's hard, but things will start to sort the,selves out in time. Good luck! Xx
I'm with all the rest of the ladies ur LO sounds really normal harry at first would only sleep for an hour at a time so even during the night I'd be up every hour feeding him and soothing him just let him lead you, he may just not need to sleep as much. Xx
will try the day and night thing, but guessing this will probably go on for a few wks yet from what people saying, so will just take each day as it comes:) and hope thing settle down soon.
Just remember he's been all cuddled up in your tummy and is now in a whole new world :) he'll get there!

the whole day and night thing worked for us yesterday :) hopefully itll stay that way x
I followed Albert in what he wanted to do. Not because I have any strong beliefs in baby led routines, it was more the fact that I didn't have a fecking clue what I was doing lol

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