New midwife was a big let down


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Am very upset and im going to have a rant and a bit of a cry as i cant believe she was so insensitive.

Went to appointment this morning very chirpy and looking forward to hearing LO heartbeat and making sure i was ok as well.
She went through my notes and started banging on about how i was clinically obese, and she couldnt stop about it - she measured babys fundus and commented that i was too big for dates, i was 35 this morning, so 4 cm over.I know this is normal in some cases as babies just have a bit of a growth spurt and it usual levels out. then she said that I needed a glucose test and that alone pissed me off because i know i do not have gestational diabetes.

She made all of her clinical observations on today and didnt even look througth my notes, which were all positive comments despite my weight and my notes also state that iam healthy despite it as well.My midwife in cheshire was very supportive of me and never once upset me, and meeting this new one today I know i am going to miss her alot.She was great.

The appointment finshed quickly thank god and when my DH picked me up i got in the car and cryed my eyes out, I am fuming she could be so insensitve and such a bitch.Am very let down and gpes to show the care i had in macclesfield was a 100% better then what i had today.
i would complian hun and ask to see someone else next time thats disgusting
so sorry to hear what a cow she was. :hug:
I've had my fair share of leaving the doctors surgery in tears so I know how horrible it is. I don't think they have a clue how vunerable we are and how insensitive they are being sometimes.
Is there anyway you can request a different person for next time?
Im going to ring on monday and rebook my appintment with a different MW becasue i am that upset about it. I have never left in tears before.
aw hun :hug: :hug:

Don't worry about it. She has no medical evidence to back up her comments. You should ask for a proper medical antenatal examination and then that's all they should base their opinions on.

clinicaly obese my arse.. sorry sarah but i would have kicked off if i was you, i know you would have felt like you wanted to run a mile from her, but i wouldnt have stood for those comments.. what a bitch... im sorry youve gotton really upset but dont let it get to you ok, ring them on monday tell them how insensitive she was and how hurt you were and get seen by some one else..

If they had of said that to me, mark would kick off big time, no one messes with him were im concerned.. grr i feel so angry for ya babes..

have a hug :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I just want to cry! thanls for being so nice, but im snivelling wreck at the mo and feel like i have been kicked in the teeth!
You cant judge someones health by what they look like! yes im fat, but dont care, ive only put a stone on this time and im really proud of myself then she shot me down in flames with one comment.
I feel as big as a speak of dust.
Like i said to you yesterday, your not as you feel sarah, your pregnant be proud of it hun :hug:
hi there

i jsut wanted to say that i had a really really horrible midwife after i had charlotte.. she was the worlds biggest bitch.. you dont have to put up with poor standard of care.. you wouldnt take that shit of a stranger in the street.. why should you have to take it from someone who is supposed to be supporting you through your pregnancy. personally i would write a letter to your surgery and say that you want to see another midwife you found ehr standard of care and attitude towards you unapropriate and you will not see her again.

i hope you feel better remember you dont have to put up with it xx
Thats out of order, I would definitely ask for someone else and make sure they know the reasons why!

I've been in tears before after midwife appointments, you'd expect them to be a bit more sensitive given the nature of their job but half of them just dont care :x

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
If i was a MW i would never say that to anyone, people like her dont deserve the job and joy of bringing beautiful babies into the world.

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