Liver function test results..

It does seem as if all is ok which is a relief.. We will see at my app tomo afternoon :)
If an induction was recommended I'd do it.. Baby is a decent weight and I've had steroids too so I'm sure baby would be fine.. I'd prob be about 37 weeks by then anyway so bubs would be full term.. More relaxed about it all now thanks again ladies :)
Sorry to hear you have all this stress - again! I did some research when I thought I might have, and what I found was that apparently there be a slightly higher risk of stillbirth right at the end of pregnancy, and that's why in some hospitals they induce at 37 weeks, and in some they don't but monitor the baby's heartbeat very closely at hospital every day (whether as an inpatient or outpatient I don't know). From what I can remember, the risk of stillbirth was only increased from 37 weeks onwards, though, so you're still under that, and also there was some disagreement between the different researchers on whether the risk was actually increased at all or not. Not very helpful, I know, but it sounded less scary to me than her just coming out with "risk of stillbirth" without qualifying it in any way. Also surprises me that you had no bile acids done? I thought they needed those in conjunction with the liver function test to be sure that it actually is (But of course, I may be wrong, or it may be done differently in different hospitals). If I were you I would make sure to get seen today if you are even slightly worried about the baby's movements, otherwise you'll just freak yourself out. Otherwise, I hope you get some proper answers at your appointment tomorrow - keep us informed!

Thanks Hun.. Yeah I read the risk of stillborn is debated.. On numerous sites so feel better about that.. She defo could have worded it better!!
Really gonna keep an eye on the movements today though and will not hesitate to go in if it's at all reduced.. Reduced movements are baby's way of telling u something is wrong! Maybe this is what my baby had been trying to tell me from 33w as the itching started around 32w and mw said nothing of it at my app.. Gradually it's got worse..

I did say to my gp about the extra test when he said he was sending me for lft but he said if there's anything there it will show and they'll send me for additional tests if need be.. I read that the lft may not show oc alone.. I'll ask tomo about it..
Will be thinking about you, but at least you're seeing the consultant tomorrow so you can get some answers very soon x
All is fine :cheer: waited bloody ages to be seen again but luckily had time at last min!
Only problem is there's nothing they can do for the itching :( told them it's keeping me up all night n killing me but there's nothing they can do :(
So glad all is ok, I went to the doctors and they prescribed Aqueous cream with menthol. Maybe look at a cheap alternative from boots or something if you dont want to go back to the doctors though.

Just read this -

Glad all went ok at your appointment, thats a shame about the itching, at least you dont have too long left!!

Glad everything is ok with your tests hun !! Just sorry they can't help u with the itching !! Was bout to text u !! Was getting worried !! Lol what am I like xxxx
So glad all is ok, I went to the doctors and they prescribed Aqueous cream with menthol. Maybe look at a cheap alternative from boots or something if you dont want to go back to the doctors though.


Thanks hun I've already got all the many different creams coz we all have eczema n sensitive skin.. :( no joy

Thanks everyone :) hopefully it won't get worse I'm so bloody tired I Duno how I'm gonna manage to push this baby out with no energy :shock:

Also the solicitors went really well today so overall a good day!! :cheer:
really pleased things went well !!! hopefully u will just get that knackered u will sleep thrugh anything !!!! xxx

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