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We tried mango today and it went down really well!
Pitta bread pockets with phildelphia today and also a couple of pieces of orange
First proper roast dinner today. She wasn't sure at first but enjoyed the Yorkshire pud and sucked some lamb
F is going great guns! She had weetabix for brekkie but wasn't too keen today, dropped most of it for the dog LOL and then chomped her eat through some banana. Lunch she had avocado (did same as mango and left skin on) rice cakes with cream cheese, cucumber and mango. Was then sick and came out in chicken pox! :os happy in hereself tho so for dinner she sucked some chicken, sweet potato and some self fed yoghurt (ooh the mess LOL) yoghurt is only given before bathtime in this house! :o) also tmi she had her 1st proper solid poo! Weirdly exciting LOL that she's eating stuff! She's perfecting feeding already tho its crazy, she's worked out how to open her fist to eat the contents (even tho that involves putting her entire fist in before she opens it!) So proud! Haha
Sounds like she's doing brilliant Lettie, shame about the chicken pox though! I was pleased when K did his first non bf poo, how sad are we lol!
Sarah when you give kynon baby corn what Do you do with it. I boiled in but it takes ages to go tender, same with steaming. Does it just take a while or do you give it raw? Last night F had roasted sweet potato wedges which were a big hit, leaving only the skin behind! Also asparagus, yoghurt and broccoli.
I just boil the baby corn, he somehow eats it and plays with it too!
I let him have some of oh bacon tonight, really freaks me out giving him meat!
We were out for tea the other night with my parents and I ordered C some chicken and pasta. He stuffed loads of chicken in his mouth and chewed it. I though he has swallowed it as I couldn't see it in his mouth, turns out it was stuck to the roof of his mouth :doh: My dad was in stitches as each time C opened his mouth and giggled it fell off the roof of his mouth. Then he would chew again but would end up with it stuck.

He likes oranges and I let him try a tiny bit of chocolate muffin the other day, he made such a mess!!!

Sarah, I haven't tried bacon yet with him, how did K like it? I don't like handling some raw meet ie chicken.
He seemed to like it. I won't handle meat either being veggie so oh does all the cutting up and cooking. That's funny about the roof of mouth thing, Kynon does that too, like they are saving it!
Have any of you found your baby really doesn't like something yet? Kynon seems to not like eggs, doesn't matter how I cook them he pulls a face and won't eat them! Tonight he even made a blargh noise and spat it out! He also throws it on the floor for the dog!
Holly had chicken curry, veg rice and nann bread for tea. She loved it but think the spices have sent her hyper, bedtime could be fun! Lol
F had omlette last night, not popular, not keen on the texture I think (most went in the dog LOL) today she had mushed mackeral and cream cheese on toast which she loved. However she stinks! Even tho she's been wiped LOL. Im not a huge fish fan butbhad the same lunch and it was ok, so its broadening my own tastes :o) tonight is lasagne for us but might do her canneloni tubes as easier to hold, with sauce maybe. I'm loving this blw, I know everyone is entitled ro their own decisions but why would you purree? What a lot of faff when theyre totally equipped to do it themselves. And once I've finished eating I can do washing up etc, whilst she carries on (as tried sitting with her and she fot fross being watched) as opposed to havibg to feed her all the time. What convinced me I tgibk is that we swaddled her and then had to transition out of it which was really hard and o could forsee the sane issues with purree, then lumpy etc, so this way its just real food/ real skills from the off. Sorry rambling! X
Hi ladies...quick question. What do ou do if your lo doesn't like something and won't eat it? I have lo chicken stir fry last night and he screamed the place down. Do you give other food? He's 11.5 months...
Kynon don't like eggs of any kind but I keep offering them but with other choices so he doesn't have to eat them otherwise he screams too. The book says just to try again another time and they might change their mind. Main thing is not to make a fuss, just remove the offending food and try something else. Kynon is quite funny when he has egg, he spits it out and makes a blargh noise!
*knock knock*

Can we join you?

Tyler had some broccoli, carrot and banana.

He found broccoli easiest to eat but his face was hilarious.

Brilliant pics pp and hunnie! I like the sound of apple pancakes!
Kynon had vegetable curry tonight, think he likes curry as not much left!
Do all babies get in a horrendous mess when eating? Cameron flings food everywhere :shock:

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