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Ah thanks ladies! Do ya know I've just remembered that I have the BLW cook book on the shelf! Totally forgot! How long does baby brain last? Lol

I might start making up batches for LO! Much easier by the sounds of things!

Am loving BLW :) MIL nearly died the other day when LO was gagging on some carrot haha! Evil witch :) xx

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lol we are still trying to prove some of the haters wrong, doesnt seem to matter how many times they see him eating all this food and doing great they still think its dangerous!! I'm kind of at the stage now where I am relaxed when he gags as he is pretty efficient at it now and only has to gag for a moment to get the food back to where he can spit it out, so me and oh are not phased at all when it happens but everyone else massively panics!!!!!!
Yeah we're pretty relaxed now too! Was scary at first! Mil is a definate hater! Instantly she starts wittering on about purées! Saying crap like LO is starving! She looks it lol....she's a right chunky monkey in the 91st percentile so I don't think lol!

Oops didn't mean to turn into a rant...she just does my head in!!!!

Anyway for tea tonight LO had guacamole out of the BLW book...she had it on pitta bread and also had some cheese and celery! Bit of a bizarre tea but all good for dipping in the guacamole! She LOVED it! Heres a little pic xx

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Awww how cute! Sounds like a good tea to me! Kynon was a grump at tea time today he gets so rough with his food (and everything else) he sort of bites it in anger lol! He still didn't like banana tonight the faces he pulls are well funny!
Was chatting with a mum today at baby massage with an 8 month old who's doing BLW, was great to hear how well her little girl has done, she def don't look starved!

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we've had cinnamon french toast with strawberries for brekky out of the cook book he bloody loved it I swear he was swallowing loads of it! I'm doing a cheesy sauce with broccoli & pasta thing for lunch as I am still waiting my online food shop delivery so only have pasta cheese and broccoli in my cupboards and fridge lol so its a bit of a bung everything together kinda lunch!!!
Awww that photo is soooooo cute she looks like she is proper enjoying it, its such a shame your mil cant just enjoy seeing her eat, why do people have to be so obsessed about purees, I think N would be pretty annoyed at me now if I tried to give him a puree!!!!
Sarah it is good to see when you hear success stories, my nephew is a year old and he thrived on BLW so I have a good example to follow, I love it that K gets angry at his food, he is probably just showing it whos boss!!!!
I've put up a pic of my N after a yoghurt :love:


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Aww bless so cute! It is annoying...other people need to just chill or mind their own lol!

LO loves her yoghurt and goes mad if I try and do it for her! I have to hand her the spoon pre loaded or she wont have it!

She shouts at food too it's so cute and was shouting at me yesterday when I was eating some melon as she wanted some lol! Had to share with her! Help with my diet ;)

I love hearing the success stories makes me glad were doing it xx

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Did you guys wait till your Lo was 24 weeks or a calendar (to the date) 6 months before starting blw? Jax will be 24 weeks on Monday but was born on the 24th Oct, iykwim?!

Also, what kid of stuff did you start with?

Mummy to two beautiful boys; Lennon born 5th March 2006 and Jax born 24th October 2011 :) <3
I started when she was a week short of 6 months! So to the date not weeks.

We started with breakfast...the hv recommended this as if they have a reaction to something you have all day to sort it! Iykwim?

We started with fruit and then yoghurts and now she has alsorts for brekkie....toast with banana, porridge, porridge fingers, rusk, eggy bread!

Did this for a week or two and then introduced dinner and so on! HTH xx

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We started at 25 weeks as oh was home so he didn't miss the fun! This is only our second week and Ive been mainly giving fruit and veg. With a few bread sticks and cheese on toast and yogurt. I've been careful to add one or two new things at a time just in case. He's doing so well already and def eating bits you can tell by the nappys!

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I'm really jealous girls, I want to be able to do blw but I'm a bit scared.

He's on purees but only once or sometimes twice a day. Mostly bf. I have given him proper food a few times, but I get anxious when he's eating it even though nothing bad has happened. He's had carrot, baby corn, banana, avocado, cauliflower and tomato and a bit of pizza crust. He gagged on one of the veg and it panicked me even though I know it's a good thing I can't get past it, any advice?? Blw is more fun than purees but also don't want to confuse him.
We started just over a week before his 6 months as he was sitting up unaided and grabbing for food so it seemed right. Our first meal was breakfast he had porridge, melon & mango and didn't do an awful lot with it, then we gave lots of fingerfood things like cucumber, tomato, advocado, pineapple carrot etc then a few days in I got more adventurous with toast, houmous, chicken, etc now he literally has whatever I'm eating, he had a roast dinner and a full English brekky last weekend!! The baby led weaning cook book is good as it gives some really good ideas as to what to make for mealtimes and its definitely made me more adventurous with what I give him as I was scared to venture off fingerfood fruit & veg but now Ill give him anything (obv salt & sugar permitting)
Can he just have anything or ate there things I need to avoid?

Mummy to two beautiful boys; Lennon born 5th March 2006 and Jax born 24th October 2011 :) <3
They can have anything apart from
honey until they are over two! Theres something in it which can cause an infection (can't remember the name)....also they advise not to give peanuts because of choking!

The BLW cookbook is fab and the meals are for 2 adults and a child so you can make the recipes for the whole family :) that's what appealed to me most xx

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Smith I think it's botulism with honey. I might have to have a look for this cook book
Thats the one thanks chick! The book is by Gill Rapley and it's fab! The gagging used to scare the crap outta me lol! But now it's just normal and you soon get used to it! I'm so glad were doing BLW,...I love watching LO learn everyday :) xx

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As smith1980 says you can give them anything except honey I think its cos they can catch botulism? They can't have more than 0.3 salt per day so just watch if you've given them something salty like Bacon that you avoid anything else salty for the rest of the day, sugar won't harm them but its an empty calorie so your better off filling them up on nutritious things. If you make the meals yourself you can control the salt and sugar levels. They literally can eat what you do but its best to start them off with things that can be picked up easily, once they master this add things like mashed potato so it teaches them a new technique, then add things like raisins that need the skill of pincing with their fingers, then add in dipping foods so they learn to dip etc etc. This way they learn different techniques! First foods I offered n were all long pieces that he could grasp in his fist and still have some poking out to eat, I gave slippery food like banana and easy to grip food like toast so he could learn it would take different grips, he is moving on to more complicated food now and he's only been doing it 2 weeks!!!
I'm really jealous girls, I want to be able to do blw but I'm a bit scared.

He's on purees but only once or sometimes twice a day. Mostly bf. I have given him proper food a few times, but I get anxious when he's eating it even though nothing bad has happened. He's had carrot, baby corn, banana, avocado, cauliflower and tomato and a bit of pizza crust. He gagged on one of the veg and it panicked me even though I know it's a good thing I can't get past it, any advice?? Blw is more fun than purees but also don't want to confuse him.

The gags do get less. I was on edge the first few times but now I know he's meant to gag as part of the learning process i feel more relaxed when it does happen. They will gag whenever solids are introduced so you have to go through this at some point, BLW just makes iv happen sooner.

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Sassy dont worry about the gagging its perfectly natural and like Sarah says every baby has to go through it to learn to eat! key thing is you literally have to be as hands off as possible and just let them get on with it and trust they will be ok, cos if you step in and help them too soon then you risk knocking the food into their throat and choking them, I wont lie hon its hard at first but after seeing N deal with huge chunks of food safely and efficiently then I trust him much more now, so it does get easier.

I think the main thing is making sure they are upright, if they are upright then the food cant fall to the back of their throat and risk choking them, so they will able to keep in control of it. Also never put food in their mouths let them keep in control of what they are shoving in, this way they will be able to deal with any large chunks.

Honestly gagging looks far worse than it actually is, it doesnt seem to bother them! N was gagging for about 5 mins today, I was right next to him ready to step in if needed, to the untrained eye it would have been terrifying as he was red in the face and pulling choking expressions and wretching, but I was pretty calm as I could see he was completely ok and in control and you could see he was just working it out bit by bit by rolling his tongue and making coughing noises to help move it, he even planted both hands on either side of his highchair tray and leaned himself forward to get in a better position, when he did eventually get the lump spat out it was a huge chewed up piece of bagel, then he immediately picked up and ate some more food as if nothing had happened!!! He's definately doing it less and less as he has started chewing a bit now and he has learned to be much more in control of how much and how far he puts the food in his mouth!
Well Freya has decided she looooooves yoghurt! It's even fun to snort it up her nose! Nightmare for mummy to get it out however!

Heres a few pics of my little yoghurt chops :)

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