New baby & cats


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
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I am planning a home birth. I also have 2 cats. Now I'm not too stressed about what they're going to be like but OH is worrying a bit. (Read: annoying me with questions).

How were everyone else's cats with the new baby? I think we'll be okay as:

a) baby will pretty much be with me 24/7
b) I will have cat nets to stop them sleeping in the moses basket
c) I will close the door to keep them out of the bedroom at night - which they will soon get used to, especially if I start soon.

I also don't think they will be a problem during the birth. I think they'll leg it when it all starts happening.

BUT - does anyone have any advice about cats & new babies. Anything you can think of to put OH's mind at rest. Or is there anything I haven't thought of.

Edited to say: they are indoor/outdoor cats - so no litter trays and they are both VERY placid and have never scratched anyone. They come inside in the evenings and just curl up somewhere to sleep. They like a bit of a cuddle once a day but are quite independent & self-sufficient.

I'm curious too, I think I'm worried about them wanting to sleep in the cot too or something!

I think they'd be fine with the actual birth, cats don't get scared by things like that normally, I'd guess they'd be more likely to get scared by sharp sudden noises. If they're anything like mine anyway, they can sleep through anything!!
i had a home birth and apparently the midwives made my boyf put the cats outside and wouldnt let them in (they are housecats!) idk why i wasnt aware at the time i was in the throes of labour by the time the MWs even got here but my boyf said they were really strict about them!

re. the cats and a new baby- u might find u feel differently about the cats when the baby's born, iv found an old post of mine where others agreed with me here

unfortunately one cat did hav to get rehomed, she was a special needs cat and her personal hygeine was terrible and she often looked like she might attack the baby we had to prioritise, we loved her so much but she had to go :(

u just need to be wary of them and meticulous about cleaning up after them its hard work
by the way, the other cat we hav kept he is BRILLIANT with her- really placid and really patient even tho she excitedly goes to stroke him and pokes his eyes, or pulls his fur, he lets her she loves him and he seems to love her too! so it depends on the cat. :hug:
My cats are just fine and have been through it twice now so there old hands with babiesand although i have had a few situations with them jumping in cots and moses baskets and ive shooed them off or got the water spray out and got them with that. They havent did it though since my DD was born.

The cats are really good with the kids too.
we have 5 cats (Yes I know, a bit greedy really).. and 2 cat nets that have never been out the box !!!!!!!

We have 2 old cats, 2 middle aged cats and one young cat and they are all brilliant with Grace and have been since she was born. :dance:

when we first had the cot and moses basket up, the cats had a good sniff around and the youngest cat would go into the moses basket - but once Grace was home they stayed well clear of her........ for some reason they don't like all that adorable screeching that babies do !!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
we had 3 housecats when Beth was born and they wer great. 2 of them didnt like her so they left her well alone, and the other one loved her and kept wanting to sleep near her so we had to keep an eye on that. She did try and get in the cot a couple of times.

Still got the same 3 cats now. Beths 6, and her and the cats are like best mates :D its reeeally sweet. Friends have brought their babies round, and its the same story. 2 are terrified, and ones just really nosey and wants to cuddle them, lol. (i think its the milk smell tbh)

We've just had to keep them out of the baby's room, but ive never found any real probs with having a baby and cats.
We have 4 cats and we made sure that when we were preparing the nursery we let them sniff every new piece of furniture and have a good mooch around in the room. I think if you shut them out totally they will be more curious.

We bought cat nets......and never used them!

I was worried sick about how our cats would react to the new arrival as they were very much the centre of our lives and still are might I add.

We worried over nothing. The very first evening that our son came home, the most nervous of the cats was curled up on my DHs lap with our newborn son cradled in my DHs arms.

They still slept in our room at night if they wanted to whilst our son slept alongside us in the moses basket. They never attempted to get in the moses basket whilst our LO was in there but one of them used to jump in and out of it when it was empty. We quickly shooed them out.

A couple of them curled up in the pushchair for a nap when it was empty of course :D

They even used to curl up in the cot before we moved LO into it and sleep in there. I didn't stress about it to be honest.

When we got to the point that LO went in his cot for daytime naps in his own nursery, we always made sure that the door was shut and no cats were in there with him. We still do that now.

A couple of them will duck out of his way but the other 2 come up to him for strokes. We're teaching him to stroke gently and be nice to the cats. I'm always watching closely when he does stroke them.

Our cats reacted much better than I ever imagined and I'm sure it's because we included them so much.

Lots of my friends have cats and babies and they all live in harmony with each other.

Good luck with it all and try not to stress to much about it
TBH to me it sounds like you're pretty much covered. :) we have cats too and if jack goes after them they just leg it so im sure it'l be the same when ur in labour :lol:
I would just shut the cat out of the room whilst your in labour.

We have a cat who we got from a rescue place when James was 1. Before getting pregnant he used to sleep on our bed, but since the pregnancy I've started keeping the bedroom doors closed so he can't get in there.
He's got used to the idea now that he's now allowed upstairs anymore. He can go back upstairs once the babies older.
I'm not too worried about him scratching the baby cos he's always been very gentle. He did scratch James a couple times when we first got him but that was because James was pulling him around, James knows to be gentle with the cat now.
My main fear is that he might jump in the babys cot, which is why we've banned him from the bedrooms
We have two cats... and tbh they are really good with the baby... They like getting in the cot/moses basket/baby mat/baby swing.... but never with the baby in it... they seem to be quite afraid of the baby and avoid her wherever possible. One cat is not a child cat, and avoids Tia and the baby completely. He hides under the bed in the office during the day, and only appears at night once Tia is in bed. The other one is "interested" but there is a limit. He is more child friendly.

You have to put the cats into their place before the baby comes and continue with it afterwards, we made it clear that the cats weren't number 1 and always chastised if they went into the cot etc... mainly because toxoplasmosis can be carried on cat fur and having the cat in the cot is unhygienic.

But they are really good now :)
Thanks for this. I think Mike is worrying a bit about nothing tbh. They are good cats generally and I feel it is just a case of training them not to go in the cot - in the same way they don't get up on the kitchen side or table as they know they aren't allowed. And I don't think they will be interested at all in the baby - after all if it can't feed them they generally don't want to know!! I'm sure with a bit of diligence & effort we will all live in harmony!!!
My cat is pretty placid but when i brought Kyran home i was always worried when she went near him. She seemed very interested and every time he made a noise she'd either go over to inspect or just couldnt care less. I trust her now and ive calmed down about it. I spose it depends on the cat, they're all different. I would of thought it would be interested for a week then couldnt care less then! so i wouldnt worry!
my cat kept herself out of the way during my home birth! The midwife didnt mind her at all. She's also an indoor/outdoor type - she went out at some point during the birth and a while later still in active labour i was saying 'dont forget to let the cat back in' :lol:

when the baby was born she ignored her, it took a few days before she acknowledged her, but she still keeps a good distance away

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