Never been so happy to see the witch


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2011
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Well I had my copper coil removed in June and had a normal AF on time 2 weeks later. Last month though, I just had very dark spotting for 12 days!! (I normally spot for a few days before my period starts) I worked out that my period was actually amongst this though. Although extremely light and early. I was using OPK's and ovulated when I should have. We BD'd quite abit over that time, so was hoping it was our month but as normal my spotting started, so I knew I wasn't :( I started getting some cramps etc but again no period just lighter spotting this time.

I was beginning to worry that something may be wrong and was about to book a docs appointment. But yesterday morning the :witch: arrived and I now have my first proper AF! :) Hopefully the spotting will start to ease now as well, and it will all get back to normal soon. Although I remember now how painful they were lol, I'm over the moon as it means we have a better chance of catching now, so there will be plenty of :bd: ahead! lol

Sorry for all the tmi...

Baby dust to all


Yeah its good to get ur body clock back on track, so you can keep an eye on OV and AF better.
I've been off the pill for just over 2 months and my periods went back to normal straight away, so I was lucky.
But its good to know where ur at with TTC!!

Baby dust to you :)
Aww good news!! Lots and lots of baby dust!! X
Thanks ladies and hopefully this will be the lucky month for us all x
After reading other peoples stories i was worried how long it would take to get my body back on track after having the implant removed.

Thankfully it has gone back to being my normal cycle. . . good luck ladies

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