

Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2007
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just a quick one, my OH has gone into hype overdrive in house maintinence recently. he has bought a new kitchen to go in, gutted out our PC room, bedroom is being re-arranged, hes re-arranged the room where we keep our parrots, bought double glazed windows and now uying double glazed doors for house and garage :shock: :lol:

me... im lazy and really want a quiet life for the next couple of weeks until i drop sprog but doesnt seem like that is going to happen :cry:

anyone elses like this?
I wish my OH would do some DIY nesting! It takes months of nagging to get anything done at the moment!
muppetmummy said:
I wish my OH would do some DIY nesting! It takes months of nagging to get anything done at the moment!

Tell me about it!!! I have been nagging hubby for weeks now about starting to get the house in order so that over the last couple of weeks of this pregnancy I just have to keep on top of things, this has included getting all of the rubbish out of the spare room today in order for us to start decorating. Well he has done bits and pieces today and is now laying watching sky sports and looking 'exhausted' :roll:
My OH is doing exactly that at the moment too. TBH he is driving me mad doing all the little jobs that need doing (and there is a lot!) whereas I cannot be bothered to do anything at the moment.

I'm sure it won't last long though!!
lol, dunno TBH i think its worse..... constantly tripping over his tools etc :lol:

trod on a plug the other day and it cut my foot, hormones kicked in and i destroyed the item :rotfl:
My OH decided to treat the floor boards with this stuff to prevent rot last week.
I asked him to wait until me and the kids would not be about as I knew it was not very nice smelling. He couldn't wait though and started it anyway- needless to say I had an absolute hissy fit when I got home because the house reeked of this stuff I ended up running over his foot in the drive and driving miles because i was so upset.

He made me feel really bad though when I decided to go home because he kept saying he just wanted to get the house sorted out :roll:

I felt a right cow afterwards.
At this very moment my hubby is washing stains out the carpet with a steam cleaner and has been playing with the radiators all, I've got my lazy arse plonked on the couch eating chocolate :bored: :rotfl: Can't be bothered for any nesting, I'll let my hubby do it :rotfl:
Louise_a said:
just a quick one, my OH has gone into hype overdrive in house maintinence recently. he has bought a new kitchen to go in, gutted out our PC room, bedroom is being re-arranged, hes re-arranged the room where we keep our parrots, bought double glazed windows and now uying double glazed doors for house and garage :shock: :lol:

me... im lazy and really want a quiet life for the next couple of weeks until i drop sprog but doesnt seem like that is going to happen :cry:

anyone elses like this?

Consider yourself lucky, i wish my oh had done this!
Not only has my DH started nesting and driving me insane with DIY and stuff, he has also developed sympathy preggo brain!
He forgets his keys all the time, we went shopping before and he forgot his wallet (although i wonder if that was accidently on purpose! :think: ) and he is constantly leaving his mobile phone in random places!!!

Im worried Im gonna walk into the living room and catch him crying at some chick flick whilst eating ice cream...... :shock:
[quote="JIm worried Im gonna walk into the living room and catch him crying at some chick flick whilst eating ice cream...... :shock:[/quote]

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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