Nesting is driving me nuts


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
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I seem to wake up everyday without fail between 6:30-7:30am.
All I want to do is clean n do the washing.
But what's grinding my gears is that I'm bk at mums until Lil man is born n I just want to throw everything she has OUT!!!!

Mum is very hygenic but there are papers everywhere, mail in the kitchen I can't stand it.
I like my kitchen to maintain a minimalistic look and what doesn't need to be out should be in a cupboard or drawer.
Kitchen reminds me of a royal mail office!!! Top it off everytime I clean my OH who is staying with me for a bit I came so close to swearing at him cos I cleaned n disinfected everywhere (as u do) n he messes it all up. I lost my rag.
I actually wanted to swear at him n swat him like a fly.

I Just can't take it. Been here 4 weeks n I'm goin loops already.

Any tips/advice ???
Oh hun mine has got worse since the baby has been born!!! Can't stop washing ironing and cleaning!
I'm the same as gem, it's got worse since Charleys been born!!
Same boat Hun, just been rearrangning the kitchen cabinets!!! I feel tge need to gut the while house, scrub it down, re-paint and re-organise everything!

These bloody natural instincts huh?! Lol
I lost it with hubby as i had finally tidied our bedroom last night and he came and started dumping again on the windowsill and bed so i flipped! He looked quite scared about how obsessive i was being and all the washing has been done again x
you can come round my house and have a good old clear out if you feel like it lol
I really cant be assed doing anything and im sooo achy its unbelievable!
Lol fraid to say I've gone a bit psycho over cleaning and tidyness too! I'm getting new carpet on Thursday, and just really want to get everything out of the way NOW! I'm almost done with my painting mission but it's driving me nuts. I think I'm jus a bit anxious about a clean normal organised home for my baby to come home to. God it's exciting! X
Glad I'm not alone but it's bad cos I live with mum n I can't clean how I want as it's not my house. :(
I went nuts at OH cos he spread the bed in a way I wanted it n told him my 5 year old niece would do it better

I'm so controlling n possessive. :(
Im not TOO bad atm, but in the evening ill smetimes get huge bursts of energy and have been repacking my labour bag, just packed the babys changing bag for going out with, folding her clothes up again in her draws etc.
send me some of your cleaningness haha xx
I'm waiting for this nesting lark to kick in - don't get me wrong, house is clean enough but could do with getting to all those wee jobs that get left, and tidying out paperwork etc. Feel free to come and use your nesting energy here! :)
Lol tania no matter how clean the house is u will make a mess Just to re-arrange it n tidy it up loool

I've just finished moving n tidying up seems endless. Lol

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