Nervous about being away


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2011
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I started packing for my trip to
Malaysia last night. 12 days without my OH and an 8 hour time difference feels so much more daunting than before BFP. I'll be counting the seconds til he comes out to join me. I'm just praying that I'll feel ok, eating foods I'm not used to, noone I can tell about little smudge, cos I can't tell them without telling work back here and it's too early for that. Just hope I can get through giving anatomy lectures without feeling sick :s! Got GP appt today just hoping she's understanding and doesn't think I'm a bad mum already for still going.
I can understand that you are nervous, but I am sure you'll be fine. Might not be a bad thing being away from home - maybe with all those new and exotic impressions all around you it will be easier to take your mind off the sickness etc. Make the most of it if you can! And why would you be a bad mother for going? Your baby is happily swimming around in your tummy and doesn't mind at all whether the tummy is at home or in the Antarctic, I should think!
Thanks suzanne, i see what you mean about distraction! But i'm stuck on a university campus, so not sooo much of that the first 2 weeks. I hope they keep me busy! :) Just had an apt with GP, think I knew more than she did about the risk of DEET, altitude, hot springs, antimalarials etc. She did set my mind at rest about somethings and at least I'll hopefully be coming back to my scan. :) She's going to talk to the nurse about some stuff and call me back, she's very sweet and there were no definite no's on anything. I'll just have to be practical on many of the issues and hope for the best! :)

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