Negative HPT after mc


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2017
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Ive just got my negative hpt 1 week exactly after mva following mmc. Does this mean i should hopefully be able to ovulate all being well soon? Im still experiencing light bleeding and i was wondering whether anyone's bleeding has settled quickly after getting a negative hpt following mc? Or does it carry on still for a while? Was hoping to start ttc in next 2 or 3 days but looking unlikely as still bleeding as dont want to risk infection. Please please please bleeding stop! Why cant my body do something right for a change! Arggghh! :wall: x
Didn't want and to read and run big hugs melly keep your chin up you are one step closer to ttc again now x
I would count day 1 as the first day you get a negative test.

I think I didn't ovulate the month after I had my ectopic surgery as the lines on the opk didn't get super dark. I can't be sure. I did get my af exactly 1 calendar month after my surgery though.

Do you have opks? They might help you pinpoint when you might Ov.

Best of luck. X
Thanks TORino. I do have opk's so will test daily until I think I'm ovulating. It's just annoying as the one step hpt read negative which suggests my hcg should be less than 10 as test is 10miu/ml. But superdrug which is 20 miu/ml had a faint positive a couple of hours later which to me suggests that my hcg according to Superdrug test should be over 20 otherwise the test would have been negative! I'm so confused! I'm also still bleeding a bit so can't risk dtd just yet, despite thinking or hoping ovulation is not too far away!
I had a bit of a mare with my levels. I remember a week after surgery they took my bloods to confirm it had been dealt with and I didn't hear anything for about another week and then they ring me and say I still have hormone in my system and to do a test and ring them a week later. Luckily it was negative at that stage which was a fair bit after my surgery. I wasn't bleeding or anything mind. I think if you're still passing tissue there could still be a bit of hormone left over.

I hope you get your negative very soon x
Thanks. Im pretty sure its not tissue, just blood. No clots or anything! Hoping to do another hpt monday so will compare the two. Fingers crossed x

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