Needy baby +jaundice, please help


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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Sorry to incorporate but I though they might be connected.
Pretty much I am receiving conflicting advice from different sources - mw tells me to feed him every 2 hours and hv says its normal for him to sleep up to 4 hours at night.

We had issues from the very start -he wont settle in his moses basket, falls asleep on me or DH. I think he also gets tummy aches as he started screaming and doesnt settle down and then trumps, is it colic or just wind?

I managed to get him to sleep in his moses basket after 12 noon feed but he wont settle at night. He tends to wriggle his legs and arms and wake himself up (but then I am not sure whether he wriggles because of the tummy ache)

He looks less yellow than before but he only gained about 10 grams since we weighed him last. He was 3600 at birth, then 3440 at 5 days old and 3450 at 12 days old.

MW I saw last time was useless - we forgot the papers and she had a major fit about it and I just didnt want to talk to her about anything. Even my DH was pissed off and he is a very calm person.

Anyway, I am worried he isnt getting enough milk hence not a big weight gain and still looking yellowish?

I really dont know what to do plus want to be able to put him down in his moses basket and do things while he is asleep.

Any advice at all ladies?
I'm not sure about the needy bit but matthew had severe jaundice when he was born! He had 4 lots of phototherapy to try sort it! I was told not to let him go over 4 hours without feeding to try and flush it out of him! But it is pretty normal for a newborn to be a bit jaundice!
I hope it sorts out soon hun!

I am trying to feed him every 2 hours during the day if possible but at night its more (cant feed him when he is screaming).

He seems to have lots of dirty/wet nappies but isnt gaining a lot of weight hence I am worried I dont have enough milk and it isnt helping to flush out bilirubin.

Should I take him to paediatric A&E to check bilirubin levels? Maybe at least they can give me decent advice re feeding?
We were also told to try to feed Lizzie every 2 hours when she was little - big mistake! There was no force-feeding her at all - she would refuse nearly every time or just have a tiny bit and I was getting stressed about it. As soon as we went back to demand feeding it was much better - babies know what they need!

In terms of the neediness and getting things done, please enjoy your baby while he is little, it goes so quickly!! But if you really need to get on, how about a fabric sling? The moby or Kari-me slings are brilliant :)

I would also suggest swaddling at night - it helped Lizzie settle better and I have read claims that it can help with colic (although I'm not sure how!).

Hope things improve for you hun :)
Isla was jaundiced until she was 3 months old! It took ages to go, I was at the doctors every couple of weeks cos the different hv I kept seeing were "concerned". She gained weight well though, is your lo breastfed? Try not to get stressed about it as he is gaining weight, just a bit slower than other babies.

As for the tummy ache, look on YouTube for the "I love you" massage. Cycle his legs gentle to help move the wind about. Also if you are breastfeeding look at your diet, is there something you are eating that's upsetting him? I can't drink coffee beyond 9am as it keeps Isla awake!

Hope this helps
Emma x
Thanks ladies.

I am breastfeeding exclusively at the moment, I have heard weight gain is slower when you are breastfeeding?

Will try the massage, I try to gently massage his tummy and he curls up on my stomach to find a comfy position. His stump is still healing so I am not rubbing it obviously.

I think we will try and weight him tonight on kitchen scales to see if he has gained anything.

At the moment mw wont discharge us because he still looks jaundiced but then I had a horrible midwife last time, maybe someone else would have been different. I tried to wake him up after 2 hours to feed but he didnt take much - he needs 3 hours to have a good feed.

I guess we will see how his weight is, his nappies seem to be fine.
Breastfed babies are a bit slower at weight gain but check your red book as the chart in mine is for a breastfed baby.

Also there is such a thing as breastfeeding jaundice where you feeding him extends the jaundice. Lots of walks outside while there is dome sunshine will help

Emma x

Oh yeah, like Emma said, watch what you eat - I had to give up milk when bfing as it gave Lizzie tummy problems.
I think i will be avoiding beans then just in case. I did drink milk straight away so dont think it caused problems but if it continues, I will try excluding certain things. How long until you can tell its having an effect? Couple of days?

My DH cooked me a curry when Anton was about a week old and then couple of days later he had a rash.

Does it take couple of days or does it get to milk straight away?
When I stopped drinking milk I noticed a difference in Lizzie's colicky symptoms within a few hours :)

Once I accidentally had 2 cups of 'proper' coffee when out with a friend (forgot to ask her to get decaf) and Lizzie was pretty much awake for four days, it was a nightmare!
When I stopped drinking milk I noticed a difference in Lizzie's colicky symptoms within a few hours :)

Once I accidentally had 2 cups of 'proper' coffee when out with a friend (forgot to ask her to get decaf) and Lizzie was pretty much awake for four days, it was a nightmare!
I switched to decaf when I was PG and still drinking decaf, did have some proper tea but it didnt seem to have made a difference, will order some decaf just in case though, thanks for the tips
I can only have one cup of normal coffee a day!

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