Need you to slap me back into reality!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Ladies, I am convinced im preg. But no sign of anything near a BFP. Dont know where where in my cycle I am as I had a really early (2.5-3weeks after last AF) beed which lasted about 2 days and quite light flow.
I have been feeling quesy (unlike me) and have horrid bloadty feeling very low down, cramps like crazt in my lower right side very low down. Now people relate cramps to AF! But i have never and I started AF aged 11 experianced a period paiin in my abdomine. I always get achy feeling in my thigh... wierd I know. I am poas mad atm and nothing! but im soooo hoping this is my month..... pleas eladies... slap me into reality before I do my nut! ahhhhhhhh xxx
No problemo - i like slappage:trouble:


I'm convinced i'm pregnant too and my hubby has no sperm lol It's what the 2ww does to you :oooo:
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No problemo - i like slappage:trouble:


I'm convinced i'm pregnant too and my hubby has no sperm lol It's what the 2ww does to you :oooo:

Haha, this made me laugh out loud which really shocked and confused DH!! Well slapped! I am impressed! i needed that and already feel slightly more realistic!!! mwah! xxx
no she does like slappage lol she doesnt need any excuse lmao sorry lou lol good luck and fingers crossed xxx
I need a slap too, I'm reading far too much on the Internet. I'm setting myself up for a fall. I have cramping, insomnia ( which apparently is common), bloating and dizziness but not normal dizziness, kinda like my head is gonna float off and I'm so hungry. I had dinner last night at 8 and by 10.30 I was starving. I'm convincing myself these are pg symptoms and I'm gonna be so disappointed. Oh and I have been so tearful for no reason. Not due af for at least a week. Please slap me too! Xx
Forgot to say my bits (ahem) feel swollen and a bit bruised! that could be a sign or the trying to much lol sorry tmi x
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Slappage is coming at you courtasy of the smily I am stealing from LouiseB!!:trouble::trouble:Thanks for tyhe smiley idea!!!!

I am an internet trawller! Everything I read ups my hopes and I know that Im prob going to be disappointed! We r still in the game darling but......... we need to prepare ourselves for the fall knowing we have wonderful adies here to catch us! baby dust to all! xxxx
Thanks for the slap Hun! Lol sprinkling the baby dust over you but at least we know we all have each other to pick us up again xx
I think there is alot of slapping going on and I'm missing out. I could do with one, I've just finished work, got a busting headache and still I'm here reading and typing.... Grrrrrrrr lol baby dust to all you ladies xxx
slap sap slap annnnnd one for luck! got to bed... get some rest! mwah xxxx
:slap::slap::slap::slap::slap::slap::slap::slap::slap::slap:slappage to us all is that better????? amy you scratch my back and ill scratch yours:wink::wink::wink::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
Feeling much better. Thanks for that. Its amazing what some good slappage can do! wink wink! :wink::wink::wink::wink:
hahahaha no problem anytime you only have to call on me and i will deliver lol xxxx
hahahahahahaha always lol and louise i agree no no no to the encouragement lol xx

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