need two lots of advice

Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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i have posted on here as i think this is the most read.

just wanted to ask if anyone has the problem like we have with liam. he is trying to walk and he falls over at least once a day hitting the back of his head and we are worried as we have laminate flooring.

also he really wouldnt settle to sleep last night and when we got him to sleep he was tossing and turning. in the space of an hour he had 12 ozs of milk, so we decided to let him cry and it took 40mins for him to cry himself to sleep in his cot, but then he slept from about 11.30 to 7. Are we bad parents. i feel so guilty, but he just doesnt get that much sleep.
Aww hun, you are not bad parents :hug: :hug:

we have laminate in the dining room, and Jack has banged his head a few times on it and doesn't seem to have suffered for it, and i am working on OH for it in living room (cream carpet :x )

How about getting a large rug?

Jack has been going through a stage of not settleing, is driving me mad he as also strated waking for a feed( wrong word but you know what i mean) about 1am everyday/night
I have tried giving him his tea later and keeping him up a bit but nothing is working, i think he must be going through a growth spurt or something

Jack doesn't seem to need loads of sleep even though he looks shattered he won't give in, i think it is probably a phase exerting his power if you like

Liam will sleep if he needs it

Don't bash yourself about it hun you are a great mum :hug: :hug:
thanks for that hun. its a worry with the flooring. the house we are moving to has carpet which we will leave down and decorate the lounge last.

the sleeping is a right nightmare though. if he would only sleep it would be better.

:hug: :hug: right back to you
hun ur a great mum
Braydon is forever falling over we have laminate all downstair but the loung buut yet he falls over more wen we are in the lounge
there lil boys i swear they fall over and then do it again just to see if they can do it the smae way lol
My MW taught me very quickly not to rush to DD when she cried, if its a genuine reason you'll know i.e. nappy, hungry etc but if its not then they'll settle. She slept through from 11 days old. I was also taught that if they wake in the middle of the night to give water and soon they wont wake up for that feed anymore, worked with her and she's 13 and still alive :lol:

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