need to moan.. poowly and fed up..


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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sorry in advance, i just fed up :'(

Since car crash i've suffered with neck pains, which make sleeping so much harder than it already is, now to contribute i got throat infection, and infection where wisdom teeth are strugglin to come thru (due to lack of space in mouth for them)

so i cant open mouth properly, which means i cant eat properly..

i also got no car as had to give hire car bk today, and mine isnt fixed until thurs (at earliest)

i want to meet LO but dont want him coming yet until i got my car and everything sorted.. i cant walk due to SPD so now i'm housebound..

my glands are all swollen and i'm mega fed up..

just had to get it off my chest.. dont have to reply girls :hug: xx
Aww, I doubt there is anything that I can say to help but have some hugs :hug: :hug:
choklatemunky said:
Aww, I doubt there is anything that I can say to help but have some hugs :hug: :hug:

thanks hun...
i think i'm just having a rubbish day, hate feeling locked into house, and just want my lil car bk :'( wish garage would hurry up, its been 2weeks now :( x
aww hun :hug: :hug: :hug: sounds like your having a rough one. try and rest and try and take your mind off your month and throat, watch a nice dvd maybe. I hope you'll start to feel better soon.
Hun -I hate garages too - we took OHs to get a tyre changed (well we took the wheel - the car is obviously not usable til its back on.....) on Sat and they said come back in an hour and it'll be done - then when we went back they said sorry we dont have the right tyre, and that they'd get it ordered and sort it for today - later on sat we spent time on the phone with them and they realised they'd been talking about the wrong tyre size, so had to re-order another and said they'd ring back to tell us the price - they hadnt rung back by lunchtime today so OH rang them and they said, errr, yeah the tyres are here i think but we haven't managed to do it yet....give us a bit of time.......I have to go round and pick up the wheel soon (Im hoping they will lift it into my car for me as I don't fancy whacking LO on the head with the massive thing, if I could even lift it!) whats the betting the muppets haven't done it??!! :evil: :wall:

They always seem to take longer than promised to do things! We even went to a new garage for this tyre hoping it would be different, no such luck!! :roll:

I know what you mean about being stuck inside tho, I was when my car was in the garage for its MOT recently and OH was out in his car so I couldn't use that - even if you don't really have anywhere in particular to go you just feel trapped as you know you couldn't go somewhere if you wanted to.

Like cez said, try to distract yourself with something to pass the time :hug:
thank you hun, i've attatche a hot water bottle to my face hehe and going to stick film on..

i have sky movies but by accident (pregnancy brain) blocked the pin because i forgot it lol.. ans gettin thru to sky is a nightmare lol xx
charlotteheys85 said:
thank you hun, i've attatche a hot water bottle to my face hehe and going to stick film on..

i have sky movies but by accident (pregnancy brain) blocked the pin because i forgot it lol.. ans gettin thru to sky is a nightmare lol xx

You arent wrong there.. i hate sky with a passion. Im relieved when i get scotland rather than india!

Sounds like its everything coming at once. Why have they taken your courtesy or hire car away? Are you not entitled to one on your insurance policy? I deal with motor claims so know a bit about it. It also sounds like you've got a bit of whiplash which is all you need with everything else.

Its horrible being stuck in, i get really ratty if i dont pop out for an hour or two so know how you feel!

Claire x
Awww hun, have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug:
I hope the garage hurry up and get your car sorted, it's mad that they've had it that long and you haven't had it returned to you!!
One thing I noticed you saying is about putting a hot water bottle by your cheek for toothache/sore wisdom teeth - it is best not to do that. The reason being is that if you do have an infection, I think the direct heat from the hot water bottle can make the infection worse. I know this as I have worked as a dental nurse and the dentists always said to never use a hot water bottle to ease the pain. What I did when I had sore wisdom teeth that were coming thru last Xmas was to buy a bottle of Corsodyl and wash my mouth out 2-3 times a day with that. It did begin to ease the pain and swelling of the wisdom teeth coming thru. I didn't go to the dentist for the problem as I knew what it was and I knew he'd prescribe me some antibiotics which I didn't want to take as I wanted to get drunk over the Xmas period. See if the mouthwash works, I'm sure you can use it now but best to check with your dentist (ask the Receptionist) or with the chemist. Hope you feel better soon hun! :hug:
Aww hun, hope you feel better soon :hug: I felt rotten last week with head cold, fluey thing that spread to my chest and gave me a nasty cough. Could hardly breath and was :pray: little one would stay put until it cleared!

Hope it passes soon for you, I'm sure little one will stay put til your feeling better and ready for labour!

Sarah x
Just make sure you get plenty of rest hun as you'll need all your strength for baby :hug:
Hope your feeling better soon.
Don't worry to much about your car as rest is much more important :hug:
Take care Charlotte and I hope everything improves soon!
Hey YAY on only one more week hun!! :cheer:
I will say though with regards to you not being able to open your mouth, I cant open my mouth more than a cm or 2 and it started with my wisdom teeth (somehow lol) if your not able to open your mouth properly in a few weeks get to the docs hun! I didn't go for years and that's why I cant open mine properly now and need an op! The sooner you go the better as physio would help!

(edited because I cant spell!? lol)
girls thank you sooo much for all the replies :hug:

i love u girlies...
dunno what i'd do without this forum :hug:

hormones kicking in hehe...

taken on board all the advice hehe.. going to relax (not use hot water bottle) and rest lots... managed to get sky working, found a film to watch and fell asleep lol..
maybe having no car for few days will do me good... xxx

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