Need some advice


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2006
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Leah has been really grizley the past few days, runny nose, eyes watering, dribbling loads - do u think she could FINALLY be teething? She isnt sleeping well at all, last night she woke up at 8, 9, 11 and then 4 n 7
Tonight its taken me 2 hours to get her to sleep, i had to rock her on me to finally get her to sleep and she was cryin like she was in pain - there were real tears n everything :(
Also iv noticed that on her tounge she has little white ulser (sp) does anyone know what these could be?? I thought it could be thrush but can she get this at 11 months? not bein funny but its not like im unhygeinic (sp) or nething :oops:

Ne help would b ace

Tori x x x
She definalty (sp) sounds like she's teethin :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

About the usler on her tongue i would take her to your hv or gp just to be sure on what is it :)

Sorry i wasn't much help :? :hug:
Yeah, it does sound like she's teething. Try some teething gel & Medised (great for getting them off to sleep!) if you haven't already, works a treat :D . Not sure what the white ulcer is but just keep an eye on it it over the next couple of days, i'm sure its nothing.
Medised is the queen of medicines, oh yes! Also Elliott loved those toothy peg biscuits you can get in chemists, I just tied one to his dummy holder and it really helped. It's worth giving the homeopathic powders a go as well just because they won't harm if they don't work but they might if you see what I mean.

Hope it's quick for you both!

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