Need some advice!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Hey girl, I started taking agnus castus two weeks ago to try to initiate an af due to my lack of ovulation. A blood test revealed low estrogen. Anyway I have been getting quite a bit of cm but if Im honest I did get that anyway. I have noticed a change in my boobs which I know is normal. However Ive been using opks daily and still no positive. My question now is do I just keep taking the agnus castus until I hopefully do ovulate? I know you are supposed to stop when you do. But my problem is Im not so just keep going hoping it helps?

Also I have blood tests today for AMH levels and prolactin and proestrogen (meant to be day 21 but as I have had no af since 9th May Im just getting them done again. In two weeks I also have my ultrasound and first fertility appointment. Do u think that I should stop the agnus castus because I have these appointments too seen effectively my levels of things may be altered or enhanced etc by it?

Hope this makes sense.
Hmm... the risk is in case you are pregnent when takaing it so if you haven't ovulated then you can't be pregnant so i don't see the harm in just keeping on taking it :)

I think it's a bit late to stop taking it to avoid it effecting your blood results today - that is if it would do anyway.

I can find any information on how angus castus works biologically.

I'm surprised they are doing your cd21 days if you haven't ovulated. I know it's cd21 but it's mainly supposed to be 7dpo you already know they they'll come back that you haven't ovulated... unless maybe you aren't using sensitive enough OPKs? :eh:

Good luck today anyway, i hope it goes smoothly :)
If you ask me miscommunication between the drs in my surgery and the hospital fertility clinic is the problem here with bloods and days. Im being reffered as Im not ovulating or have no af but the fertility clinic have sent a list of bloods that I have to have done by my dr by the time I go to the appointment. One being day 21 bloods. I understand that I m not ovulating so this isnt going to happen. My dr surgery are just going to take second lot of bloods today to tick a box!!! Im wanting to go a bit nuts really. No shit sherlock im not ovulating so I cant have an af so no bloods on a particular day!!!
I agree with louize! I can't see the harm in taking angus castus. What I don't understand is this, if you're not ovulating, why wont your doctors put you on clomid? (stupid doctors!!!)

Wish you all the best hun! Hope you get it sorted out soon!

Oh don't get me started on my dr! Lol! There is a huge communication problem there as well as underestimation of how much I know about my own body! its extremely frustrating. Im staying at the moment as to move would probably disrupt my fertility referral but as soon as I hopefully ever get anywhere Im moving to another practice. I asked was there not something she could give me to help me ovulate (thinking of clomoid) and she said no I have to wait till I go to the fertility specislist!
I have never got a positive on an OPK (dunno why) , but day 21 bloods have shown that I am indeed ovulating. Also a surge that triggers a positive OPK doesn't necessarily mean you are OV, just that you're body was preparing to do so, only way I think to confirm for sure is 21day bloods. But if there are other signs that you aren't OV, it does seem a bit weird to bother?

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