need some advice


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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Aimee has always been a good sleeper from being really young, usually sleeping 7-7. But she has changed and for the past weeks has been awful! She started getting up at 5am, then 3am and just won't go back to sleep, then whinges all day cos shes tired. Last night she actullay got back up at 11.30pm and just couldn't get her back off. Sometimes a bottle will work but not alway cos she will still be wide awake after she has drank it. It was so much easier when she was smaller and she went back of after a bottle but now i don't know what to do with her. She doesn't seem ill in anyway! Has anyone got any ideas what i can do?
Aww... you must be shattered! :hug:

I personally find that the ages between 6 & 9 months, a difficult age... a bit like the stage between child and teenager. Our babies become aware of so much more and are constantly busy with mental excercises. Their minds are active and they think their bodies should co-ordinate with the mental skills... only, it doesn't!

This makes them frustrated and they'll often start waking up, trying to roll over, crawl or just fidget in the middle of the night. They can get so aggitated - Oscar has been the same. Is Aimee trying to crawl or maybe trying to pull herself up all the time? Once she masters one of the "mobile" arts, she'll hopefully, be settled again for a while.

Aimee might be teething too? I know that Oscar has had real hassles with his top teeth, but now that they're through, he's much better.

I think they all go through their little ups and downs.... Oscars' downs have lasted 4 months... maybe you and I should get together for a snooze in the park! :rotfl:

I hope Aimee settles soon. Fingers crossed!!!

Emilia xx :wave:
awww hun i know how u feel iv just come thro the ova side of this wiv B weve had 3 sleep thros (now iv posted hell stop again u watch)

it must be extra hard with being pg and an older child to look after sending u big hugs hun

The ya ive figured out as Kiara is getting older they are constantly changing the way they sleep its good then its bad then good again
Hope it doesnt last too long for you expecually being pregnant you must be shattered
I've had one full night's sleep in the last 6 months hun! Aaron is up all the time and I am wasted! Sometimes he's up at 1am then 3am and then 6am. Last night he slept until 3am and was awake until 4.30am when I just put him into bed with me because I was so tired from the night before of being up all the time! I don't know why they do it but I am like a zombie!

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