Need some advice please on late BFP's


Dec 4, 2007
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Ok the first day of my last period was about the 20th-23rd October. It is now the 4th December and still no sign of my AF.(average 30-32 day cycle) So even on a 32 day cycle going from the 23rd I'm still late.

I bought a FR preg test today and it was BFN but it wasn't my FMU. The test does say you can take it any time of the day tho :cry:

I would just like to know if any of you women have been 5-6 week pregnant and had a BFN. I have 2 childen already (12 & 9) so you think I would have a bit of experience BUt my husband had a vesectomy reversal July last year and we are not sure if it is going to work. We are hoping it will work but quietly being optimistic just incase it doesn't work.

Thanks for reading.
i tested a week late with my last baby, but i didnt really think about being pregnant to be quite honest, maybe go to the docs and ask for a blood test
good look and i hope you get a BFP soon x

I got a BFN until I was 6 weeks pregnant, only then did I get a BFP. Mind you I was taking the pill so I kighrt have ovualyed late. This can happen spontaniously though so you could defo still be pregnant.

Good luck x
I tested 6 days late and got a very strong line straightaway (but I was not on the pill and had regular 28/29 day cycles)...

Hope you get your BFP x
Thanks for your replies. I think i wont test again for another week. See what happens.

I am ill at the moment so maybe thats why i'm late. I have very sore throat and bad headaches, flu symptoms. I must admit though I have been a few days late with my period before but not over a week. I never miss a month.

Fingers crossed for another week.

Joanne X

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