Need some advice on temps/ovulating etc.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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I started charting on 1st Jan, I was going to wait until day 1 of my next cycle (if im not preg already, trying not to get my hopes up!) but thought it better to get used to it for a week or so first.

Anyway ive noticed something odd.

on the first day of temping, which was day 28 of my cycle, my temp was 36.8, and then the following day was 36.9. The following days have all been 36.1. I also noticed white CM (not eggwhite, more dry and flaky) around the days the temp was higher.

Now my cycles are irregular and range from 25 to 35 days, but could it be that I ovulate quite late in my cycle? Is this possible? If so, it would explain a lot as towards the end of my cycle I tend to feel quite fat and unattractive (hormones I guess) and my sex drive takes a dive so we rarely BD from around day 25 onwards!!!!
Don't know if this helps but temp should be low until ovulation and then increase. it should then remain high until around the time when AF shows her face when it should drop. If pregnant it should remain high past the time AF is due.

As for th CM can't really help there as have trouble interpreting my own! lol
my temp drops roughly 2 to 4 days before af arrives ! i think ur just gonna have to be patient and see how your cycle plans out hun and do a bit of chart stalking lol
It might sound daft but always put the thermometer in the same place in your mouth- it can vary from spot to spot so your temp may vary a lot day to day depending where in your mouth you hold the thermometer!!

I was bored one day and did an experiment :oops:
Thanks for the replies, im hoping its just because I started temping near the end of my cycle, and that seems to be the case, guess I wont be able to know for sure until Ive charted a couple of cycles!
My first cycle of charting I started over half way through and also found it very confusing. hopefully next month (if you need it! lol) will make more sense. xx

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