Need some advice girls, before i ware me and DH out - lol


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2007
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my cycles are normally 41 days.

i am currently on CD 18. I have been using OP Sticks for the last 4 days. even testing twice in one day. when i do the test i am getting a line. it's at the stage now where it seems more or less the same as the previous day, but maybe getting just that bit darker. however, no where near the colour of the main line. Hope this makes sense. :? :? :?

So my question is should i expect the line to get darker and when it's the same colour as the main line this means i've ovulated ?. DH and I have decide to try and BD every other day. Which we've been doing since CD 15. (NOT LONG I KNOW) Problem is not sure how long we would have to do this for. As it is quite hard to BD on demand. Is it basically until the line completey goes ?. That way we would know we've tried all during the right time. Just wondering of this could go on for another week or so.

LOL This DH Will be shattered at this rate -
If your cycles are normally 41 days then I would expect you to ovulate around CD27 give or take a couple of days. Luteal phases (the time between ovulation and your period) are normally 12 - 16 days and don't vary a lot per woman.

Regarding how long to keep going, until the line is darker than the control line, with a couple of days added on for good measure.
As your cycles are long, I think you may have started a bit early....although there is no real harm in that other than the tiredness factor!

You will ovulate probably around 10-16 days before your next AF. So you need to work out that date and count backwards to know when to start. Obivously it can vary a bit depending on how long your luteal phase is but it will give you a good idea x
So CB23

Would you say if we follow BD'ing every other day between now and next week, taking me to about CD 29, I could consider myself having had a bloody good go ?.
That would indeed be classed as a bloody good go.

I'm reading 'A child against all odds' by Robert Winston and he says2 -3 times a week. Every other day is fine!
I would suggest once every three days up until you're due to ovulate but if you can BD every other day then all the better :wink:
Good luck :D
once you get 2 clear lines on stick then start once the postive line is as strong as the test line then u are about to ovualte & you will be at your most fertile time x

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