need reassurance (little update)

I've been prescribed citalopram but it does go into my milk and no studies have been done on the effect on baby so my Dr told me not to risk it, so I'm waiting until I stop bf when N is 6 mths although the day I've had today I might have to reconsider bringing it fwd a bit :'(
Has their been any studies done on bf and the tablets you've been prescribed that could maybe put your mind at ease?
Oh hun, I'm so sorry you're feeling horrible, are you ok? :hugs:

Citalopram was what I was on before ttc. She looked it up today and said she wouldn't put me on it because of bf. She gave me one called Sertralin Krka, and said it was fine to bf on it, but I just don't like the thought of it going into him iykwim

I've been trying to do some research (damn google :wall2:) and I think this one is the same as Sertraline in the UK which seems to be the one given if you are bf.

I wish I could carry on without being on them. The dr said to make another appointment to go back and see her in 10 days time, but if I feel awful in the meantime to come back sooner. I think it can make you feel worse before better.
I was on citalipram with my first and took bout a month before I started to feel better. Have the offered u and cpn ? Xxx

Yeh it all got abit on top of me, spent most of today crying, N isn't sleeping at all during the day anymore and is barely going 3 hrs at a time on a night and when he's awake he's really wittery and crying all the time, I'm exhausted and feel broken :'( normally I can cope but today it all felt abit much iykwim, sure tomorrow will be fine again!

Hmm I'm not sure what to suggest, if it says its ok to bf and the Dr has said its ok then colby should be ok, hopefully once they get to work you'll feel better and be able to relax abit more and then when its under control again I'm sure they'll take you off them xxxx
Oh you poor thing, I'm not surprised your exhausted hun :hugs: and poor N, hope he's ok. How are you feeling today?

Lewisca, I found Citalopram worked well for me too after the first few weeks. It's definitely the best one that worked for me in the past.

I didnt take a tablet last night, but got up this morning and plucked up the courage to start. Why am I procrastinating about this when I know it will help me? It will also benefit Colby having a less anxious mummy but I now feel guilty for taking them. :wall2:

I'm going into town this morning on my own for some me time. OH is going to look after C for a couple of hours. I don't feel I ever really get a break as he still feeds every 3-4 hrs through the night (had one night last week where he went 8hrs but we're back to 'normal' again). OH is going away tomorrow for a week with work, so really not looking forward to that.
Glad u took the plunge Hun !! And don't feel guilty u r doing what is best for u and c !! Glad your getting some me time and make sure u treat yourself to something !!
Have u made any plans for next week ? Maybe go c a film most cinemas do a showing of something and u can take babies with u ? I'm thinking of giving this ago xxx

Hi, i just wanted to let you know i suffer from coldsores and i break out in them when i am stressed. As soon as i got the tingle there was no kisses for issac and i made sure that any time i may of even thought i touched my mouth i washed my hands before handling Issac or his things, He hasnt caught it so im hoping ill be able to keep him away from them.

My OH has kissed me when its been out but he must be immune as he has never had a break out but i wouldnt let him kiss issac when he had kissed me.

i can empathise about wanting to keep your LO safe and away from harm whilst he is young. I hope the tablets help you and ytou start to feel better soon x

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