need help !


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2010
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put my boy who is 2 in august in his own room last night and it was going well untill about 3am he start crying so give him a drink and doddy in and he was ok i went to the loo and he started crying really bad wouldint have a drink or doddy just cryed i left him for hafe an hour and still the same feel shane so put him in my room in travel cot and still cryed i tryed to leave him in there but would stop it was about 4.30am and i just put him in my bed and he stoped crying dont know if done right thing he mint have being sceard but now in two minds where to put him back in his own room tonight i dont what him to start going in my bed everynight and he was happy in my room but he need to go into his own room at the same time i need help on what to do ??????

sorry about spelling tryed my best lol :)
Oh god, im rubbish at being strong and strict at 3 in the morning, they always come into my bed!! Dont know, just persevere? I wldnt leave him half hour crying though, maybe bit to long. Spose he needs to get used to his own room so keep at it, good luck !!!
Maybe you could sleep in there with him for a night or 2 until he's used to his new room on a blow up mattress so its not so scary for him. I always try to look at it from their point of view and that they don't understand the sudden change. I wouldn't leave him crying so long either, it will only stress you all out and he will associate the new room as a bad place because of the crying. Do you play in there during the day and have naps in there? This will reinforce its a good place too.

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I suggest gradual withdrawal. So you go from sitting on the bed with him to sitting by the door. When he gets upset go in and just sit down with your back to him. He then knows your there but he's not getting any attention. Personallyi never leave my oldest for more than 5 mins of crying out at night as I don't want her to feel her bedroom is a scary place that she gets shut in on her own and left to cry. Good luck. There's always so something new to test us mummies

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