need advice


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2007
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I am 13 DPO, due on tomorrow....

need advice.

can ovulation tests predict pregnancy? I ran out of pregnancy tests, so i peed on a stick last night and this morning, and both times has come back with a positive, not very dark, but a thick pink band both times, and it came up quite quick....

also, i looked at one of the pregnancy sticks i did a few days ago, and it seems to have a faint positive on it... but i know you shouldnt read them after 30 mins....

what you think
Ov tests can show a BFP!

It looks good - but would recommend you go and get a proper HPT!

Best of luck chick!
i am going to get some proper tests on way home tonight....

trying not to get excited about it....

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :hug: :hug: :hug: :cheer: :cheer:

Will you retest tonight or tomorrow morning with FMU?

LOl, i am going to buy some on the way home from Tesco's, probably test tonight and then again in the morning....

but i dont want to get excited, just thinking that maybe the tests are dodgy?

But have used ov tests before and they have shown no line at all, so not sure...

i dont want to jinx it! :cry:
I know its hard but you could wait and see AF is late?

This is the advice from the person who the last 2 months tested early then AF turned up on time

:hug: :hug:
lol, well af is due on tomorrow, so i will prob test tomorrow....

if i can wait! :roll:
i will be on here to tell you what happens on monday!

knowing my luck, af will arrive and my tests are dodgy.....

Very best wishes :pray:
Well I wish you luck but the same happened to me last month when I went 5 days overdue and I have faint positive on HPT and then on the 4th day of being late because I didnt have any HPT I did a test on a ovulation test which like you came up positive straight away and I ended up testing on 3 of them and each time got positives. I had to go see nurse on 5th day and had a swab which nurse said would be safe but then after having that the witch showed. Period or miscarrage I don't know but have my views as I was being sick in the morning ect but I will never know. Good luck
I'm done with testing early now - I think I imagine symptoms!!! And the amount of neg. pregnancy tests I've had after being convinced that they would be positive.

You'd think I'd know better after two children wouldn't you.

Nope, I'm going to wait until I'm at least 3 days overdue (having a 31-32 day cycle it's a long wait!!!)

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